Glanbrook Heritage Society
Archives & Reference
The information contained in the following links was extracted from microfilms of
the Hamilton Spectator. Most of the material was very legible but there were rare
cases where the print was blurred and no clear letter or number could be
discerned. This is indicated by ( ) after the item in question or a series of
dots.............. There were some spelling mistakes in the original text and some
names were mis-spelled, even though they were the same person. The information
pertains to residents with connections to the Province of Ontario only. All effort
has been made to ensure accuracy, but there may be names omitted accidentally.
Gordon Allison started this project and transcribed the information from 1846
to the summer of 1894. He was in the midst of finishing 1894 at the time of his
death in 1997. His collection of microfilms was purchased by the Glanbrook
Heritage Society and the extractions have continued since then by volunteers of
the Society. It will be published in increments of six months beginning with
January, 1895.
Other society members who have assisted in making this project possible are Bill Brigham, the late Sheila May, Donna Evans and Gloria Tong.
Please note the archives list starts with Births. Please scroll down for a list of archives available for deaths, followed by marriages.
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1847
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1848
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1849
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1850
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1851
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1852
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1853
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1856
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1857
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1858
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1859
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1860
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1861
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1862
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1863
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1864
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1865
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1866
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1867
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1868
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1869
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1870
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1871
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1872
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1873
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1874
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1875
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1876
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, November and December 1877
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1878
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1879
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1880
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1881
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1882
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1883
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1884
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1885
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1886
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1887
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1888
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1889
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1890
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1891
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1892
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1893
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1894
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1895
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1895
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1896
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1897
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1898
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1899
- Births from the Hamilton Spectator, 1902
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1847
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1848
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1849
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1850
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1851
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1952
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1853
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1856
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1857
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1858
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1859
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1860
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1861
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1862
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1863
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1864
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1865
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1866
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1867
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1868
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1869
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1870
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1871
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1872
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1873
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1874
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to September 1875
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1876
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, November and December 1877
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1878
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1879
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1880
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1881
- Deaths from the Hamiilton Spectator, 1882
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1883
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1884
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1885
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1886
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1887
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1888
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1889
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1890
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1891
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1892
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, 1893
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1894
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1895
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1895
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1896
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1896
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1897
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1898
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1898
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1899
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1899
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, January to April 1902
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, May to August 1902
- Deaths from the Hamilton Spectator, September to December 1902
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1847
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1848
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1849
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1850
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1851
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1852
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1853
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1856
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1858
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1857
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1859
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1860
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1861
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1862
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1863
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1864
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1865
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1866
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1867
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1868
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1869
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1870
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1871
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1872
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1873
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1874
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to September 1875
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1876
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, November and December 1877
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1878
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1879
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1880
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1881
- Marriages from the Hamilton Specator, 1882
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1883
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1884
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1885
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1886
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1887
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1888
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1889
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1890
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1891
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1892
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, 1893
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1894 *Index Only*
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1895
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1895
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1896
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1896
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1897
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1898
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1898
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to June 1899
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, July to December 1899
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, January to April 1902
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, May to August 1902
- Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator, September to December 1902
- Microfilms
- Reference books
- Publications
- Glanford Census and Assessment Records
- Binbrook Census and Assessment Records
- Local Family Histories
- Cemetary Records
- Local Photo Inventory
- Hamilton Spectator 1846-1908 Microfilms
Click Here to contact Society Members for more information
Charitable Registration # 0673681-50
© Glanbrook Heritage Society 2024
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