Hamilton Spectator

Marriages, 1862


January 4, 1862


MARTIN‑BLAKENEY - On the 1st instant, at the residence of the bride' sfather, by the Rev. B. C. Hill, A.M., Frank Oliver Martin, Esq., of York, Grand River, to Catherine, third daughter of Thomas Blakeney, Esq., of Harlewood, Cayuga, C.W.


January 9, 1862


Bethune‑Smith - On the 7th instant, at St. Paul's Church, Glanford, by the Rev. Geo Bull, B.A., Alexander Bethune, M.D., to Marianne, youngest daughter of Henry Smith, Esq., late H.E.O.I.S, of Staple Grove, Glanford.


January 11, 1862


Winer‑ King - On the 9th instant, at her mother's residence, 83 Richmond street east, Toronto, by the Rev. Dr. Lynch, Bishop of Toronto, assisted by the Rev. J. Shea, W. J. Winer, M.D., of Chicago, to Helen Mary, second daughter of the late Dr. King, of Toronto.


January 16, 1862


Malcolm‑Lavrock At New York, on Tuesday, December 31st, by the Rev. John Quincey Adams, Charles Malcolm, Jr., to Miss Clara Lavrock, late of Canada.


January 17, 1862


Babington‑Hill - At the Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto, on the lbth instant, by the Rev. F. L. Osier, M.A., Josiah M. Babington, Esq., of Dundas, to Helen Marion Warner, daughter of the late Colonel Hill, of Newmarket.


January 18, 1862


Shannon‑Foster - On Wednesday, the 15th instant, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. William Foster, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., MT. James Shannon, blacksmith, of Rockton, Township of Beverly, to Miss Margaret, daughter of the deceased Samuel Foster, farmer, Flamborough East, Wentworth County.


January 29, 1862


Cooper‑McKune - In this city, on the 28th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Ormiston, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Richard C. Cooper, of this city, to Miss Jane McKune, daughter of the late Kenneth McKune, Esq., of Liverpool, England.

January 31, 1862

Morrlson‑Addison - In Hamilton, on the 28th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. I). Inglis, Mr. James Morrison, Keith, Banffshire, to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. William Addison, formerly of Cairnie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

February 1, 1862

Russell‑Davidson -  On the 30th ultimo, at the residence of John Field, Esq., by the Rev. R. Trvine, D.D., Mr. George Russell, of this city, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. James Davidson,      Kennedy,   Forfarshire, Scotland.

February 7, 1862

Hoover‑Shirk - On the 16th ultimo, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John Hebden, M.A., rector   of the parish, Mr. Henry Hoover, of Cayuga, to Miss Lydia Shirk, of Rainham

Garrett‑Day - On the 15th of January, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, by the Rev. R. R. Shann, Benjamin Greer Garrett, Esq., Ex‑High Sheriff of the Colony of Newfoundland, to Mary, widow of the late G. G. Day, Esq., of Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, and of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire.

February 15, 1862

Greer‑Morton - On Friday morning, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John Hebden, Mr. John H. Greer, of London, to Miss Fannie E. Morton, eldest daughter of Mr. James W. Morton, of this city.

February 21, 1862

Brown‑Crelghton -  On Tuesday, the 18th instant, at St. Andrew's Manse, Waterdown, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. Robert M. Brown, cooper, Waterdown, to Miss Matilda Creighton, also of Waterdown, East Flamborough.

February 24, 1862

Garland‑McKinnon -  On the 20th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Black, John M. Garland, Esq., to Isabella, third daughter of Neil McKinnon, Esq. all of Caledonia.

March 22, 1862

Wood‑White - At the residence of the bride's father, on the Soth instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wood, Andrew T. Wood, Esq., of Hamilton, to Jane, Eldest daughter of George H. White, Esq., of vorkville.

March 26, 1862

Stewart‑Eager - On the 24th instant, at the residence of the bride's mother,  by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., Mr. W. C. Stewart, to Eliza, fourth daughter of the late Joseph R. Eager.

March 29, 1862

Wilkes‑Sabine - In this city, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Orraiston, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Wilkes, of Montreal, Mr. J. Aston Wilkes, son of the Rev. Dr. Wilkes, to Alioe Truman, youngest daughter of the late James .Sabine, Esq., formerly of the Hon. East India Company's service.

April 11, 1862

Mcllwralth‑Goldle - At Greenfield, near Ayr, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Mr. McRuer, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Cavan, of St. Mary's, Mr. Andrew Mcllwraith, of Gait, to Mary, youngest daughter of John Goldie, Esq., of Greenfield.

April 17, 1862

Campbell‑Bell - At Hamilton, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. D. Inglis, Mr. John Campbell, grocer, to Miss Grace Bell, both of this city.

April 21, 1862

Christie‑Currle - At Greenwood, near Ayr, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. William H. Christie,of Chlppawa, Robert Christie, Esq., M.D., of Paris, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late William Currie, Esq. No cards.

April 28, 1862

Williams‑Tristram - On the 19th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. J. Hebden, Mr. John Williams, to Miss Jane Tristram, both of this city.

April 29, 1862

Stevens‑Davis - In this city, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, Mr. James Stevens, of this city, to Miss Elizabeth Davis, of West Flamborough.

May 3, 1862

Laurler‑Mackay By the Rev. D. Inglis, on the 30th April, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John T.aurier, of Detroit, Michigan, to Miss Elizabeth Mackay, of this city.

Huton‑Harding - On the 1st May, at the residence of the bride's brother, by the Rev. Robt. Irvine, Mr. Charles Huton, to Miss Mary Ann Harding, all of this city.

May 6, 1862

Melllsh‑Btanton - On Wednesday, the 30th ultimo, at the residence of the bride's father,St. George, by the Rev. E. H. Stinson, B.A., incumbent in Berlin, assisted by the Rev. M. Boomer, D.D., Rural Dean,  incumbent at Trinity Church, Gait, the Rev. H. F. Hellish, of Worksop, England, incumbent at St. James's Church, Wilmot, to Susan Caroline, second daughter of Samuel Stanton, Esq.

May 16, 1862

Lodder‑Muir - At Foley House, Rothsay, Scotland, on the 29th ultimo, Lieut. Edward Francis Lodder, R. N.  , commanding H.M.S. jackal, to Georgina Douglas, daughter of John Muir, Esq.

June 3, 1862

Pringle‑Mackay - In this city, at the residence of the bride's mother, on the 2nd instant, by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., William Watson Hringle, to Margaret jane, eldest daughter of the late Robert Mackay, merchant, of this city.

June 4, 1862

Thuresson‑Gamble - At Ancaster, on the 3td June, by the Rev. F. L. Osier, at the residence of the bride's father, Eyre Thuresson, Esq., to Catherine Maria, third daughter of Jacob Gamble, Esq., all of Ancaster.

June 18, 1862

Dillon‑Mills - In Christ's Church, on Tuesday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, M.A., rector, of Hamilton, Major R. Dillon, 30th Regiment, Toronto, to Minnie Margaretta, second duaghter of the Hon. Samuel Mills, M.L.c., of this place.

June 24, 1862

Flood‑Wyatt - On the 19th instant, at St. Matthew's Church, on the Plains, Flamborough East, by the Rev. Richard Flood, father of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. J. (1. D. Mackenzie and nr. Greene, Richard Flood, Esq., of Richmond Hill, C.W., to Grace Agnes, daughter of Herry Wyatt, Esq., Herberton Cottage, Flamborough East.

July 4, 1862

Ross‑Aldrldge - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th ultimo, by the Rev. B. C. Hill, A.M., assisted by the Venerable Alex N. Bethune, D.D., D.C.L., Archdeacon of York, Mr. T. S. Ross, to Fanny, second daughter of Mr. James Aldridge, Seneca Township.

July 11, 1862

Mathieson‑Christie - On the 4th of July, at Niagara Falls, Mr. Robert Mathieson, of the "Evening Times", to Isabella Christie, both of this city.

July 23, 1862

Mewburn‑Olney - At Chicago, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Wilkinson, Mr. Thomas C. Mewburn, of Hamilton, to Amanda, second daughter of R. S. Olney, Esq., M.D., of Waskegan, Illinois.

July 29, 1862

Bradley‑Hainer - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 23rd instant,  by the Rev. F. Tremayn, Episcopal Minister, Mr. James Bradley, of the Township of Greenock, County of Bruce, millwright, to Miss Isabella, youngest daughter of James Hainer, Esq., farmer, Esquesing.

August 21, 1862

Boucher‑VanNorman - On the 2oth instant, at St. Paul's Church, Glanford,  by the Rev. G. Bull, Mr. Edward Boucher, of Carhampton, England, to Mary, second daughter of the late R. E. VanNorman, Esq., of same place.

August 26, 1862

Mather‑Hawkins - At Quebec, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. John Gembley, James Mather, Esq., of Hamilton, C.W., to Miss Hawkins, of London, England.

September 5, 1862

Askin‑Caddy - On the 4th September, at Christ's Church, Hamilton, C.W., by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, rector, Alexander Henry, son of Charles Askin, Esq., of Strabane, near Windsor, C.W., to Anna Joanna, second daughter of Captain Herbert Caddy,late of the Royal Artillery, and grand‑daughter of the late Colonel Richard Hamilton, Royal Artillery.

September 6, 1862

Brown‑Kough - At Hamilton, on the 4th September, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John Hebden, A.M., rector, Adam Brown, Esq., to Mary, eldest daughter of Thomas Harley Kough, Esq., solicitor, Shrewsbury, England.

September   ft, 1862

Williams‑Penn - On the 3rd instant, by the Dean of Montreal, J. J. Purcell Williams, Esq., 1st Battalion Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, of Penire Mawr, Denbigh, North Wales, to Ann Corse, only child of Frederick Penn, Esq., of Montreal.

September 10, 1862

Torbit‑McGuffin - On the 29th August, by the Rev. Mr. Shaw, at the residence of the bride's father, Township of Wales, County of St. Clair, Michigan, U.S., Mr. John Torbit, son of Mr. Robert Torbit, Glanford, County of Wentworth, C.W., formerly of Ayrshire, Scotland, to Miss Sarah Jane McGuffin, eldest daughter of Mr. George McGuffin, formerly of Glanford, C.W.

September 11, 1862

Coutts‑Lowe - On the 4th instant, by the Rev. R. Burnett, Mr. William Coutts, to Miss Mary Ann Lowe.

McClure‑Tryine At Quebec, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Cook, Mr. James McClure, of Hamilton, C.W., to Maggie, second daughter of Mr. James Muir Irvine, Scotland.

September 13, 1862

O'Reilly‑Maingay - At Stratford, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. E. Patterson, M.A., J. Fdwin O'Reilly, Esq., B.A., T.C.T., of Hamilton, to Emilia Sophia Dunbar Maingay, only daughter of Robert Maingay, Esq., C.E., of Pennsylvania, late of Guernsey.

September 15, 1862

Dougall‑street - At the Church of the Ascension, on Wednesday, 10th September, by the Rev. John Hebden, M.A., John Dougall, Esq., of Windsor, to Maranne Hawksley, eldest daughter of E. R. Street, Esq., of the city of Hamilton.

September 17, 1862

Playne‑McTaren - At the Church of the Ascension, on Tuesday, the 16th September, by the Rev. John Hebden, A.M., rector of the parish, Captain F. C. Playne, of the Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, to Jane, eldest daughter of w. R. McLaren, Esq., Hamilton.

September 25, 1862

Messenger‑McClung - At the residence of the bride's father, in Cayuga, on Wednesday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. James Black, Presbyterian Minister of Caledonia, Mr. Albert Col borne Messenger, of the "Sachem" office, Caledonia, to Miss Ann Jane, second daughter of Samuel McClung.

Higgins‑Halpin - On the 24th instant, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. ft. Oeddes, rector, Quarter Master Sergeant J. Higgins, P.CO., R.F., to Miss Lucy Halpin, daughter of Mr. J. Halpin, of Dublin, Ireland.

September 26, 1862

Wilson‑T oosemore - At Logie, near Hamilton, on the 24th instant,  by the Rev. D. Inglis, Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Hamilton, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Loosemore, farmer, Barton.

McCraken‑Crawford At Hamilton, on the 25th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Thomas McCraken, to Helen, daughter of the late Quintin Crawford, Old Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

October 3, 1862

English‑Freed - On the 1st instant, at the Church of the Ascension, 5y the Rev. J. F. Hansael, Mr. Ephraim English, Waterdown, to Maria, second daughter of Mr. John Freed, Hamilton.

October 4, 1862

Little‑Harvey - On Wednesday, the 1st instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. Hector Little, merchant, city of Hamilton, to Miss Alice, daughter of Mr. John Harvey, farmer, Oakhill, Nelson Township,

County of Hat ton.

October 11, 1862

Bellinger‑Tewkesbury - On Thursday, October 9th, by the Right Rev. Bishop Farrell, at the residence of the bride's mother, Peter J. Bellinger, of Milwaukee, to Angeline, youngest daughter of the late D.F. Tewkesbury, of this city.

Foster‑Miller - On Wedne5?day, the 7th instant, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. George Foster, farmer, to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas Miller, Esq., all of the Township of Nelson, and County of Halton.

October 14, 1862

Lethbridge‑Hill - At Christ's Church, on the ]ith instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., Albert A. F. Lethbridge, Esq., third son of Sir John Lethbridge, Bart., of Sandwich Park, Somerset, England, to Jane, only daughter of Robert A. Hill, of Hamilton, C,W.

October 16, 1862

Gibbons‑Smith - In this city, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, on Wednesday, the 15th instant, Colour Sergeant John Gibbons, P.CO., Rifle Brigade, to Miss Maria Smith, daughter of Mr. John Smith, machinist, of this city.

Routh‑Hamilton - On Wednesday, the 15th instant, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., Henry W. Routh, Esq., to Helen Theresa, youngest daughter of the late Jeter Hunter Hamilton, Esq.

October 23, 1862

Drey‑Rumsel - At Hamilton, C.W., on the 19th instant, Mr. Sigismond Drey, of Montreal, to Miss Amelia Rumsel, of Geneva, Switzerland.

Crajgie‑Ewing - At Toronto, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Topp, of Knox's Church, John C. Craigie, Hamilton, to Maggie, third daughter of W. L. Ewing, Esq., Oakfield, Brantford, C.W.

November 10, 1862

Racey‑Elliot - On the 8th instant, at the Tuscararora Parsonage, by the Rev. Adam Elliot, Robert Miles Racey, Esq., of Clinton, to Margaret, daughter of the late Christopher Elliot, Esq., of Toronto, and niece of the Rev. A. Elliot.

November 14, 1862


COWAN‑STREET - At Christ's Church, Hamilton, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, M.A., rector, Robert Lyon Cowan, Esq., of Montreal, to Letsy Elizabeth, second daughter of Richard Street, Esq., of this city.


FERGUSON‑MARSHALL - On the 6th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Alexander McLean, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Macaulay, Nassagaweya, Mr. Donald Ferguson, merchant, to Isabella, second daughter of John Marshall, Esq., farmer, all of Puslinch.


November 17, 1862


O'DEA‑MAGANN - In this city, by the very Rev. F. Gordon, Dr. M. L. O'Dea, of this city, to Grace A., second daughter of the late Daniel Magann, Esq., of the city of Dublin.


November 29, 1862


COLEMAN‑NEW - On the 27th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. Brown, Mr. Richard Coleman, of Toronto, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Daniel New, of this city.


December 3, 1862


MARTI N‑COUNSELL - On the 2nd instant, at Christ's Church, Hamilton, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, rector, Edward Martin, Esq., barrister, to Mariana Mary, youngest daughter of the late G. O. Counsell, Esq.


December 23, 1862


HEMSWORTH‑WADE - At Shipley, Wallace, C.W., on the 30th September, by the Rev. E. E. Newman, incumbent, Frederick Beven Hemsworth, son of Lieutenant C. W. Hemsworth, city of Limerick Militia, to Ellen Wade, youngest daughter of the late John Wade, Esq. of Hamilton, and formerly of County Derry, Ireland.


December 24, 1862


HARVEY‑FORSYTH - On the 17th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Black, Caledonia, William Harvey, merchant, Carluke, to Jessie, daughter of William Forsyth, Esq., farmer, Ancaster Township.