Hamilton Spectator

                                                                 Marriages 1858


January 5, 1858


MCCRACKEN‑SCOTT - At Bothwell, C.W., on the 30th December, by the Rev. Mr. Peake, John McCracken, Esq., to Margaret, youngest daughter of Alexander Scott, Esq., of Kelso, Scotland.


January 6, 1858


BEGG‑FRASER - At Pt. Dover, on the 1st January, by the Rev. Mr. Craigie, Mr. James Begg, to Miss Barbara Fraser, both of this city.


MAXWELL‑VANNORMAN - On the 5th January, by the Rev. Charles Lavell, at the residence of A. R. VanNorman, the bride's cousin, Albert Maxwell, to Maria A. VanNorman, both of this city.


January 8, 1858


DUFF‑BAMBERGER - On the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Ross, of Dundas, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Duff, to Miss Margaret Bamberger, both of Ancaster.


DRISCOLL‑GRAHAM - On the 24th instant by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., of Knox's Church, Mr. Frederick Driscoll, to Miss Jane Graham, both of this city.


GLASSFORD‑THOMPSON - On the 2nd instant, by the same, Mr. William Glassford, to Miss Jane Thompson, both of this city.


SPENCE‑NIXON - On the 7th instant, by the same, Mr. John Charles Spence, of Montreal, to Miss Elizabeth, third daughter of the late James Nixon, Esq., of Glasgow, Scotland.


WALPON‑GRUEN - At the residence of the bride's father, Talbot street, County of Kent, Matthew Walpon, Esq., of Morpeth, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Freeman Gruen, Esq.


January 12, 1858


BRYAN‑FITZPATRICK - At St. Mary's Church, in this city, on the 11th instant, by the Right Rev. J. Farrell , D.D., the Lord Bishop of Hamilton, Thomas Bryan, Esq., H.M. Customs, Cobourg, to Miss Johanna Fitzpatrick, of this city.


January 14, 1858


COOK‑TURNER - On the 13th instant, by the Rev. Geo. Cheyne, at the residence of the bride's father, William Cook, Esq., of Mount Albion, to Agnes, daughter of Duncan Turner, Esq., of


January 15, 1858


SKINNER‑RYERSON - At Newton, New Jersey, U.S., on the 22nd ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Barrett, William Erskine Skinner, Esq., A.M., barrister, eldest son of the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., of Waterdown, C.W., to Miss Mary E., youngest daughter of David Ryerson, Esq., president  of the Sussex Bank, Newton, N.J.


January 16, 1858


BOWRING‑KERR - At Christ's Church, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, Mr. Robert Bowring, to Sophia Kerr.


SUTTABY‑BRADFIELD - Also, the same place, by the Rev. Mr. Geddes, Mr. John Suttaby, to Maria Bradfield.


January 19, 1858


RUSSELL‑RENTON - At the residence of the bride's father, Ancaster, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Lee, Mr. John Russell, Jr., to Miss Margaret Renton, both of the Township of Ancaster.


PATTINSON‑ROBERTS - On the 4th instant, in Christ Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector of the Parish, Mr. George Pattinson, of the Township of Nelson, to Miss Mary Ann Roberts, of the same place.


MCMINNEMY‑DEATH - On the 18th instant, in Christ Church, by the same, Mr. Alexander McMinnemy, to Miss Hannah Death.


January 20, 1858


THOMSON‑GILKESON - At St. John's Church, Elora, from the residence of the bride's grandfather, Andrew Geddes, Esq., by the Rev. Dr. Townley, assisted by the Rev. F. Tremayne, the Rev. E. C. Thomson, to Maggie, eldest daughter of the late David Gilkeson, Esq., all of Elora.


January 21, 1858


TENCH‑MURRAY - On the 19th instant, at All Saints's Church, Drummondville, by the Rev. F. J. Lundy, D.C.L., rector of Grimsby, Mr. William Eastwood Tench, of Buffalo, to Ellen, daughter of the late Lieutenant‑General Murray, for many years Governor of Demarara.


January 23, 1858


KLEMM‑ROBERTSON - On the 18th January, by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., of Knox's Church, Mr. Abraham Klemm, of Dundas, to Miss Elizabeth Robertson, of this city.

FLETT‑MACNAMARA - And on the 21st instant, by the same, Mr. John Flett, to Margaret MacNamara, all of this city.


January 26, 1858


CAMPBELL‑MONTGOMERY - At St. Catharines, on the 14th instant, at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. R. F. Burns, Mr. William Campbell, to Miss Mary Anne Montgomery, second daughter of A. Montgomery, Esq.


January 29, 1858


FORSTER‑WITHERSPOON - On the 13th instant, by the Rev. Mark Y. Stark, at the residence of the bride's brother‑in‑law, Walter Forster, Esq., late of Langholme, Scotland, to Miss Jane Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Alex. Witherspoon, Esq., of Haddington, Scotland.


February 2, 1858


DODSON‑MCLEAN - On Monday, the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Littlejohn, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Arthur E. Dodson, of the Township of Whitchurch, to Jane McLean, of the Township of Innisfil, only daughter of the late James McLean.


February 6, 1858


MORE‑COX - In this city, on Friday, the 5th instant, by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., Mr. Alexander More, to Miss Elizabeth Cox.


February 8, 1858


INCHES‑TOOME - On the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., of Knox's Church, Mr. James Inches, to Miss Elizabeth Toome.


COUNSELL‑MAXWELL - On the 1st, by the same, Mr. James A. Counsell to Miss Fanny Maxwell.


LANDIER‑THOMPSON - On the 4th instant, by the same, Mr. William Landier, to Miss Bridget Thompson.


MORE‑COX - On the 5th instant, by the same, Mr. Alexander More, to Miss Elizabeth Cox, all of this city.


February 11, 1858


GABEL‑SOUTH - On the 2nd instant, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. F. L. Grier, Dundas, John William Gabel, to Albina, fifth daughter of the late Dr. George South, of Edwarden, West Flamborough.

ROBLIN‑NUGENT - At Bath, on the 29th ultimo, at the residence or the bride's father, by the Rev. W. F. S. Harper, Miss Mary Ellen Nugent, daughter of J. Nugent, Esq., to Mr. Marshall P. Roblin, second son of David Roblin, Esq., M.P.P.


February 15, 1858


WHITESIDE‑PIERSON - In Christ's Church, on the 9th of February, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. James Whiteside, to Miss Caroline Pierson, both of this city.


MCCOY‑BOULGER - In the same place and by the same, Mr. James McCoy, to Miss Mary Anne Boulger, both of this city.


YOUNG‑MCNAUGHT - In Brantford, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. John Dunbar, Glenmorris, James Young, Esq., of the Galt “Reformer”, to Miss Margaret, second daughter of Mr. John McNaught, Brantford.


March 1, 1858


CHISHOLM‑LEWIS - On Thursday the 11th ultimo, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. S. Johnson, Mr. Robert R. Chisholm, of Oakville, to Flora Matilda, eldest daughter of Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Camden, N.Y.


March 3, 1858


MCDONAID‑HAGGAN - On the 28th ultimo, in Beverly, at the residence of Wallace McDonald, Esq., by the Rev. John Porteous, Mr. Malcolm McDonald, to Miss Jane Haggan, youngest daughter of the late Craig Haggan, of Nelson, Canada West.


March 4, 1858


MITCHELL‑GIBSON - On the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. John Mitchell, to Miss Margaret Gibson, both of this city.


BAILY‑MILLLKEN - On the third instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Zachary Baily, Esq., Paris, to Miss Margaret Milliken, of the County of Wentworth.


March 8, 1858


MITCHELL‑MCFARLANE - On Thursday, the 4th instant, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. John Mitchell, farmer, East Flamborough, to Miss Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. William McFarlane, of Nelson Township, County of Halton.

March 13, 1858


RACEY‑BROWN - At Morpeth, on Wednesday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. Colin Campbell Johnson, Mr. J. B. Racey, New Port, to Elizabeth Ker, second daughter of the late Mr. Robert Brown, Vine Vale, Hamilton, C.W.

Our acknowledgments are due and hereby rendered for the bridegroom's present of two pairs of gloves. Of course, we wish the wedded couple much joy, long life and happiness.


March 26, 1858


BUCKE‑RADCLIFF - On the 17th instant, by the Rev. Arthur Mortimer, George Walpole Bucke, eldest son of the Rev. Horatio Walpole Bucke, to Frances, youngest daughter of Major Radcliff, of Willagrove, Adelaide.


GORDON‑DODS - In this city, on the 23rd instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. David Gordon, Jr., to Miss Isabella Dods, both of Hamilton.


March 30, 1858


GLOVER‑GORDON - In this city, on the 24th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Thomas Craigie, youngest son of William Glover, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh, Scotland, to Ellen, only daughter of David Gordon, Esq., Hamilton.


March 31, 1858


CHARNLEY‑LEWIS - On the 26th instant, by the Rev. John Flood, Dunnville, Mr. Richard Charnley, lately from Lanarkshire, Scotland, to Miss Pamilia Lewis, Township of Malden, C.W.


April 5, 1858


FRIER‑ACRES - On Saturday, April 3rd, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, Mr. William Frier, of Edinburgh, Scotland, to Emma, eldest daughter of the late Jonathan Acres, of Herne Bay, Kent, England.


April 10, 1858


MAITLAND‑MORTON - Here on the 2nd instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Hugh Maitland, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. Morton, Locomotive street.


MCINNES‑HEMSLEY - On the 8th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Donald McInnes, to Miss Ann Hemsley, both of St. Catharines.

April 16, 1858


PICKETT‑MCLAREN - On the 13th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. Andrew Pickett, carpenter, Lowville, to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of John McLaren, Esq., farmer, Township of Nelson.


April 21, 1858


HENDERSON‑KENNEDY - At Albion Mills, Saltfleet, on the 2nd of April, by the Rev. Hugh Nevin, Mr. William Henderson, of this city, to Miss Jane Kennedy, of the former place.


April 22, 1858


THOMAS‑CLARKE - In this city, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Charles Lavell, James E. Thomas, merchant, to Helen M., second daughter of the late W. E. Clarke, all of this city.


April 23, 1858


WINTERMUTE‑STINSON - At Christ's Church, Hamilton, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, P. Francis Wintermute, Esq., to Jane Ann, youngest daughter of Thomas Stinson, Esq.


BUIST‑CAMPBELL - On the 20th instant, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., at the residence of the bride's father, Alexander Buist, Esq., of the firm of Buist and Melville, millers, Nottawasaga, Simcoe County, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Archibald Campbell, Esq., farmer, Nelson, County of Halton.


April 24, 1858


MORRISON‑NICKINSON - In Toronto, on the 22nd instant, by the Venerable the Archdeacon of York, Daniel Morrison, Esq., to Charlotte, eldest daughter of John Nickinson, Esq.


April 26, 1858


ROSS‑LANG - On the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Young, William Ross, F.E.I.S., to Margaret Gordon, adopted daughter of Robert Lang, Esq., farmer, Nassagaweya.


FOTHERGILL‑HALL - On the 22nd instant, at the residence of the bride's mother, Eramosa, by the Rev. Thomas Ray, Mr. John Fothergill, farmer, Nelson, to Miss Margaret Hall.

April 30, 1858


HIGHLAND‑DUNPHY - At St. Thomas' Church, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, Mr. Edward Highland, of the village of Petersburg, to Miss Rebecca Dunphy, of Hamilton.


May 8, 1858


O'GRADY‑NEILSON - In Stratford, at the residence of P. R. Jarvis, Esq., on Thursday, the 29th of April, by the Rev. E. Patterson, John DeCourcay O’Grady, Esq., C .E., to Mary Patterson, youngest and twin daughter of Mr. J. H. Neilson, formerly of Galt.


HUNT‑CREED - In this city, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Rice, Mr. Charles Hunt, to Martha Eliza Creed.


May 12, 1858


LIGHTBODY‑HENDRIE - At Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, U.S., on Thursday morning, April 22nd, by the Rev. S. B. Reed, Mr. Andrew Lightbody, merchant, Garafraxa, C.W., to Miss Isabella Hendrie, of the former place.


May 15, 1858


CURRAN‑MCKUNE - On the 13th instant, by the Rev. William Ormiston, Joseph John Curran, Esq., of this city, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Kenneth McKune, Esq., of Liverpool, England.


May 26, 1858


WARD‑HOWES - At Christ's Church on the Queen's Birthday, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. Francis Ward, to Mrs. Emma Howes, both of this city.


May 27, 1858


HAMMITT‑HYARD - On Tuesday, the 18th instant, by the Rev. W. Usher, at the residence of Mr. Charles Foster, Brantford, W. R. E. Hammitt, of the Township of Brantford, to Miss M. A. Hyard, of Onondaga, only daughter of the late Samuel Jedidiah Hyard, Derbyshire, England.


May 31, 1858


COSGRIFF‑EAGAN - At St. Mary's Church, Hamilton, on Thursday, the 27th instant, by the Very Rev. E. Gordon, Vicar General, Mr. William Cosgriff, to Miss Anne Eagan, both of this city.


CALDERWOOD‑MITCHELL - On the 28th of May, at the residence of William McCay, Esq., the bride's uncle, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. William Calderwood, saddler and harness maker, to Martha McCay Mitchell, all of the Township of Nelson, County of Halton.


June 3, 1858


PARK‑TISDALE - At Trinity Church, Burford, on Tuesday, the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Vicars, Mr. Samuel H. Park, of London, C.W., to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Tisdale, relict of the late Matthew Tisdale, and second daughter of Col. C. S. Perley of Burford.


THOMPSON‑GRIFFIN - At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Francis Tremaine, on the 25th May, Mr. William Thompson, to Miss Mary Jane Griffin, third daughter of Michael T. Griffin, Esq., both of Esquesing.


June 5, 1858


CALDERWOOD‑MITCHELL - On the 28th ultimo, at the residence of the bride's uncle, William McCay, Esq., by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., William Calderwood, saddler and harness maker, to Martha Mitchell, all of the Township of Nelson, County of Halton.


June 9, 1858


HALT‑BARTON - At Christ's Church, Hamilton, on Tuesday, the 8th instant, by the Rev. A. P. Morris, M.A., William Halt, of Hamilton, son of William Halt, of Brighton, England, to Elizabeth the only daughter of J. C. Barton, of Hamilton.


June 10, 1858


BENNET‑CLEMENS - On the 28th of May, by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., Mr. John Bennet, to Miss Rachel Clemens, both of Plattsville.


MACCULLOUGH‑MACALLUM - On the 8th instant, by the same, at the house of the bride's father, Mr. David MacCullough, to Miss Margaret Macallum, both of this city.


June 11, 1858


LAVROCK‑CAMPBELL - On the 8th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. George Lavrock, to Miss Margaret Campbell, both of this city.


June 15, 1858


FERRIE‑KENNEDY - At Hamilton, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. T. J. Hodgekin, of Doon, Robert Ferrie, Esq., of the above city, to Harriette Russell, relict of the late Aeneas Kennedy, Esq., and daughter of the late Samuel Bown, Esq.

June 16, 1858


STEPHENS‑DURHAM - At Christ's Church, Hamilton, on Tuesday, the 15th June, by the Rev. George Mingaye, M.A., rector of Wilby, Suffolk, England, assisted by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector of Hamilton, William C. Stephens, Esq., of Hamilton, secretary to the Great Western Railway Company, to Jessie Isabella, fourth daughter of the late Edward Durham, Esq., of the Cape of Good Hope.


MCKILLOP‑THOMPSON - In Cleveland, Ohio, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. J. H. Adams, at the residence of Mr. Kidman Allpress, the bride's brother‑in‑law, John McKillop, Esq., of the city of Hamilton, C.W., to Mrs. Jane Thompson, late of Killwining, Ayrshire, Scotland.


June 22, 1858


SMITH‑SMITH - In Quebec, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Cook, Michael Smith, Esq., of Hamilton, C.W., to Barbara W. Smith, of Dundee, Scotland.


CROMBIE‑CONKLIN - At the residence of the bride's mother, near Paris, C.W., on the 21st instant, by the Rev. David Caw, Mr. David Crombie, of Hamilton, to Miss Margaret Scott, only daughter of Mrs. Isabella Conklin.


June 23, 1858


BRIANS‑FRASER - At Arthur, County of Wellington, on Friday, the 18th instant, by the Rev. John Whyte, William Brians, teacher, son of George Brians, yeoman, Arthur, to Barbara Fraser, third daughter of James Fraser, contractor, of the same place.


June 24, 1858


COWING‑MUIR - At Hamilton, on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. William Ormiston, M.A., at the residence of the bride's father, Park street, Mr. William Cowing, to Ellen Ker, daughter of Mr. William Muir, late of Kilmarnock, Scotland.


June 25, 1858


MCBRIDE‑KELLY - By the Very Rev. E. Gordon, Vicar General, on the 21st instant, William McBride, to Mary Kelly, niece to the Very Reverend I. Reuchan, D.D., late president of the Royal Catholic College, Maynooth, Ireland.


June 30, 1858


WILSON‑MUIR - On the 29th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Adam Wilson, of Saltfleet, Farmer, to Agnes Catharine Muir, of Grimsby.

July 3, 1858


FORD‑FAWCETT - At Christ's Church, on the 23rd ultimo, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. Walter I. Ford, to Miss M. .E. Fawcett, both of this city.


WELSH‑HARTYAN - In the same place, by the same, on the 24th ultimo, Mr. Michael Welsh, of Stratford, to Miss Catharine Hartyan, of this city.


LEECH‑HAYDON - In the same place, by the same, on the 1st of July, Mr. James Leech, to Miss Emily Haydon, both of the Township of Ancaster.


July 7, 1858


SIMPSON‑ALMOND - On Monday, 5th of July, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Gore street, Hamilton, by the Rev. P. Harper, Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of the late F. Almond, Esq., late of Devonshire, England, to Caleb P. Simpson, Esq., barrister‑at‑law.


July 8, 1858


SHANKIM‑GRANTHAM - Yesterday morning at St. Jude's Church, Oakville, by the Rev. Dr. Lett, the Rev. Robert Shankim, rector of Oakville, to Bertha, only daughter of Arthur Grantham, Esq.


July 9, 1858


SWINTON‑NICKOLI - In Hamilton, on Thursday, the 8th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Inglis, Mr. Thomas Swinton, of Beverly, to Miss Bridget Nickoli, of the same place.


July 17, 1858


GARVIE‑FORBES - By the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., of Knox's Church, Mr. Alexander Garvie, of Esquesing, to Mrs. Christey Forces, of Nelson.


MACALISTER‑MORRIS - On the 12th instant, by the same, Mr. W. B. MacAlister, to Miss Mary Ann Morris, both of this city.


WRYD‑HOOPER - In Christ's Church, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. Robert Wryd to Miss Caroline Hooper, both of the village of Streetsville.


BUCKINGHAM‑WOODLY - In the same place, by the same, on the 15th instant, Mr. William Buckingham, to Miss Jane Woodly.


MCKOWIN‑SPENCER - Also Mr. John McKowin, to Miss Sarah Spencer, all of this city.

July 20, 1858


MCDONALD‑HADDEN - On the 15th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Robert McDonald, of this city, to Mary Hadden, of Saltfleet.


July 23, 1858


RALPH‑WILSON - On the 20th instant, at Trinity Church, Galt, by the Rev. M. Boomer, William Ralph, Esq., of Deal, Kent, England, to Clara Jane, eldest daughter of James Wilson, Esq., of Preston, C.W.


July 24, 1858


CAMERON‑DODDS - On the 20th instant, in Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. William Cameron, to Miss Phoebe Dodds, both of the Township of East Flamborough.


July 27, 1858


JOHNSON‑ROBESON - At St. Thomas Church, yesterday, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, Andrew Johnson, Esq., of Widder, Township of Bosanquet, to Miss Eleonora Landsdowne Robeson, of St. Catharines.


July 29, 1858


MULLER‑BRETTERNITZ - In Christ's Church, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A ., rector, Mr. Louis Muller, to Miss Catherine Bretternitz, both of this city.


PEASE‑HAWKINS - In the same place and by the same, on the 28th instant, Mr. William Pease, to Miss Elizabeth Hawkins, both of Hamilton.


July 31, 1858


CHARLTON‑DRYSDALE - At the residence of the bride's father, MacNab street, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, by the Rev. William Ormiston, M.A., Miss Mary Drysdale, to Mr. James Charlton, late of Newcastle, England.


August 3, 1858


MARTIN‑KETCHESON - At Belleville, C.W., on the 19th July, by the Rev. John Grier, A.M., Duncan Martin, Esq., of New York, late of Guelph, C.W., to Anne Maria, second daughter of the late Benjamin Ketcheson, Esq., of Belleville.


August 6, 1858


BRETHOUR‑KENT - By the Rev. Charles Leavell, In this city, on the 5th instant, Henry Wm. Brethour, Esq., of Brantford, to Miss Charlotte Kent, of Hamilton.

August 4, 1858


FLANDERS‑WALKER - At Brantford, on the 2nd instant, by the Rev. Thomas Gurnet, late of New York, Mr. Robert Namau Flanders, attorney‑at‑law, to Mary Georgina G. Walker, relict of the late T. L. Walker, and daughter of the Rev. Walker W. Townsend, both formerly of Cavan, C.W.


August 5, 1858


SKINNER‑COGHILL - At Christ's Church, on the 31st July, by the Rev. W. M. Ross, M.A., Mr. Martin Skinner, to Miss Ellen Coghill, both of Woodstock.


LEMMONK‑FREAIDER - At Christ's Church on the 3rd instant, by the Rev. W. M. Ross, M.A., Mr. Joseph Lemmonk, to Miss Mary Ann Freaider, both of Hamilton.


August 10, 1858


COTTEREL‑MCKEACHERN - On the 30th July, by the Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., Thomas Cotterel, to Mary McKeachern, both of this city.


WEBBER‑MEDEAN - On the 9th instant, by the same, Loence Webber, to Minnie Medean, both of Wellington Square.


August 13, 1858


CRAIG‑MCCONNELL - By the Rev. Charles Lavell, in this city, on the 12th instant, Mr. Robert Craig, to Miss Jane McConnell, both of the city of Hamilton.


August 16, 1858


MCCLOCKLIN‑MORRIS - On the 12th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burner, Mr. Thomas McClocklin, to Ellen Lupper Morris, both of this city.


WRIGHT‑MCCRAITH - In this city, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. Hugh Nevin, of Saltfleet and Binbrook, Mr. William Wright, Binbrook, to Janet, daughter of the late John McCraith, formerly of Southwick, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland.


August 17, 1858


STORMONT‑LINDSAY - On the 16th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Robert Stormont, of Windham, to Miss Betsy Lindsay, of this city.


August 18, 1858


JONES‑KEIRWIN - On the 17th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Thomas Jones, to Mary McKeirwin, both of this city.

August 20, 1858


WILSON‑IRVING - At the Manse, Saltfleet, Canada West, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. Hugh Nevin, Mr. Thomas Wilson, miller, of Huron County, to Miss Janet Irving, both of Dumfries‑shire, Scotland.


BLACKMAN‑GUNN - On Wednesday, the 18th instant, at St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., assisted by the Rev. John Hebden, M.A., the Rev. T. J. M. W. Blackman, D.C.L., incumbent of the above church, son of the late Rev. Charles Blackman, M.A,, rector of St. Thomas' Church, at St. Johns and chaplain to the Forces of Newfoundland, to Anne, eldest daughter of D.C. Gunn, Esq. , of this city.


August 21, 1858


NIXON‑GILES - On the 18th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. WiIliam Nixon, to Jane Giles, both of this city.


ROBBIN‑AINSLIE - On the 18th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Archibald Robbin, of Hamilton, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Mr. William Ainslie.


GOURLAY‑KEENAN - At Ceres in the County of Oxford, 17th instant, by the Rev. George Kennedy, Robert Fleming Gourlay, Esq., the well‑known philanthropist and author of several productions in defence of popular rights, formerly of Fifeshire, Scotland, to Miss Mary Keenan, of Dereham, near Mount Brydges, formerly of Armagh, Ireland.


August 23, 1858


CARSE‑YOUNG - By the Rev. Charles Lavall, in this city, on the 21st instant, Mr. John Carse, of Oneida, County of Haldimand, to Miss Delila Young, of the same place.


August 26, 1858


CAMPBELL‑ROBERTSON - On the 19th instant, by the Rev. R. Burnet, Mr. Archibald Campbell, to Mary Ann Robertson, both of this city.


HOUSEN‑LOCK - On the 19th instant, by the Rev. R. Burnett, Mr. Neal Housen, to Phoebe Lock, both of the Township of Seneca.


WATSON‑SMITH - On the 19th instant, by the Rev. R. Burnet, Mr. Andrew Watson, to Harriet Smith, both of this city.


September 2, 1858


GLACKMEYER‑STORRIE - On the 28th ultimo, in Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Henry Glackmeyer, Esq., of the city of Toronto, to Miss Sophia Josephine Storrie, of this city.


GIBSON‑DOOL - On the same day, in Christ's Church, by the same, Mr. William Gibson, of the Township of Seneca, to Miss Mary Dool, of the same place.


September 3, 1858


FEAST‑BOOKER - At Wellington Square, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. J. Bates, Mr. Alfred Feast, to Miss Sarah A., daughter of the late Rev. Alfred Booker, all of this city.


September 4, 1858


GROWDEN‑BALDWIN - At St. Thomas Church, on Thursday evening, last, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, incumbent, Mr. James Growden, of this city, to Harriet Anne, daughter of Mr. Thomas Baldwin, Main street west.


September 6, 1858


DODDS‑FISHER - On the 4th instant, in Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. Edward Dodds, to Miss Elizabeth Fisher, both of the village of Bradford, County of Simcoe.


September 8, 1858


SORLEY‑STEWART - On the 24th ultimo, by the Rev. John Alexander, Charles H. Sorley, to Janette Ferguson, eldest daughter of James Stewart, Esq., of Hamilton.


September 10, 1858


WEIR‑JONES - On the 8th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. William Weir, to Miss Sarah Jones, both of Hamilton.


MALCOURONS‑ROUTH - On the 8th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John Hebdem M.A ., Charles Alexander Malcourons, Esq., to Harriet Addele, only daughter of the late Capt. Henry Routh, 15th Hussars.


September 11, 1858


THOMPSON‑STINSON - At Christ's Church, Hamilton, by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, A.M., Mr. David Thompson, of Ruthven, Indiana, only surviving son of the late David Thompson, Esq., M.P. for Haldimand, to Elizabeth, fourth daughter of Ebenezer Stinson, Esq., of Hamilton.

JOYCE‑SMITH - In Georgetown, on the 8th instant, hy the Rev. J. G. D. McKenzie, A.M., Thomas Joyce, Esq., of Esquesing, to Mary Smith, of the same place.


September 16, 1858


ARNOLD‑MITTLEHERGER - At St. George's Church, St. Catharines, on Tuesday, the 14th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Atkinson, rector, C. Morgan Arnold, Esq., Cashier of the Niagara District Bank, to Elizabeth Ann, only daughter of Henry Mittleberger, Esq.


September 20, 1858


MCKERLIE‑MCLAREN - On Thursday, the 16th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John B. Skinner, Alexander McKerlie, Esq., farmer, to Miss Mary, daughter of Hugh McLaren, Esq., farmer, all of the Township of Nelson and county of Halton.


DURAND‑BRADSHAW - At Hamilton, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. David Inglis, Charles Durand, Esq., barrister, Toronto, to Miss Mary Anne, daughter of George Bradshaw, Esq., Hamilton.


HEPBURN‑WOODS - At Hamilton, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. David Inglis, Mr. Alexander Hepburn, Stratford, to Miss Jessie Woods, Hamilton.


September 22, 1858


SHANLEY‑COOPER - At Christ's Church, on Tuesday morning, the 21st instant, by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, M.A. rector, James Shanley, Esq., barrister‑ at‑law, and Master in Chancery of the city of London, Canada West, to Rosanna Henrietta Cooper, niece of the Rev. Henry Hugh O'Neil, A.M., rector of Moster, Connaught Virginia, Ireland, and lately assistant minister of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Canada West.


MCCARTHY‑GORMAN - On the same day, in the same church, and by the same, Mr. John McCarthy, to Miss Mary Gorman, both of this place.


MCDOUGAL-MCCHERNEY - In Oshawa, C.W,, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. T. Lawry, Mr. John McDougal, engineer, of Hamilton, and formerly of Charlottenburg, Glengarry, to Miss Helena Letitia McCherney.


September 23, 1858


SHANLY‑COOPER - At Christ's Church, or Tuesday, the 21st instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, rector, James Shanly, of London, C.W., Esq., to Rosa Henrietta, only daughter of the late Ross Cooper, of Kingstown, in Ireland, Esq., and niece of the Rev. Hugh O’Neil lately of London. C.W.

September 24, 1858


MATTHEWSON‑WEEKS - In this city, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Charles Lavell, Lavins Matthewson, Esq., of Montreal, to Miss Charlotte Clarke, eldest daughter of Hiram Weeks, Esq., of the city of Hamilton, C.W.


ROSS‑ROONEY - On Wednesday evening last at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, incumbent, Mr. David Ross, stonemason, of this city, to Miss Mary Rooney, of the same place.


CHRISTIE‑WARE - At Dundas, on Wednesday, the 22nd instant, by the Rev. J.E. Betts, John Christie, Esq., merchant, Elma, county of Perth, C.W., to Miss Matilda Ann, daughter of the late Francis Ware, Esq.


September 25, 1858


MURTON‑CLARKE - At Christ's Church, on Thursday, the 23rd instant, by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, rector, Miss Sophia M., youngest daughter of the late W. E. Clarke, Esq., to Mr. John W. Murton, both of this city.


BLOWES‑HUGHES - In Christ's Church, by the same, Friday, the 24th instant, Mr. James Blowes, to Miss Catherine Hughes, both of this city.


HIRCH‑ZIMMERMAN - By the Rev. Charles Lavell, in this city, on the 21st, instant, Mr. Frederick Hirch, to Cecelia Zimmerman, both of Nelson, C.W.


SMITH‑ADAMS - On the 20th instant, at the church of the Ascension, by the Rev. J. Hebden, Mr. Daniel B. Smith, of Oakville, C.W., to Miss C. M. A. Adams, of the city of Hamilton.


October 1, 1858


HUGHES‑PRITCHARD - Yesterday morning, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, Mr. Richard Hughes, to Miss Mary Pritchard, both of this city.


PALLIE‑CRAIG - On the 30th ultimo, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, incumbent, Francis F. Pallie, Esq., of Galt, to Miss Harriet Craig, of this city.


GREEN‑LAPENOTIERE - On the 27th ultimo at St. Paul's Church, Woodstock, by the Rev. L. C. Gibson, M.A., C. M. Green, Esq., barrister‑at‑law, Toronto, to Annette Graven, eldest surviving daughter of William Lapenotiere, Esq., of Tremeddon, near Woodstock.

October 4, 1858


MONROE‑RITCHIE - On the 30th ultimo, by the Pev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Henry Monroe, of the Township of Ancaster, yeoman, to Mary Ann Ritchie, of the same place.


NEWBERRY‑O’LEARY - By the Rev. Charles Lavell, in this city, on the 2nd instant, Mr. John Newberry, to Miss Mary O’Leary, both of this city.


SMILEY‑MUIR - At Suspension Bridge, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Crittenden, Mr. Hugh C. Smiley, to Agnes, daughter of Mr. Alexander Muir, all of this city.


October 8, 1858


LEWIS‑CARPENTER - At Ontario, on the 6th instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. J. L. Alexander, George Franklin, only son of Levi Lewis, Esq., to Augusta, second daughter of Alexander Carpenter, Esq.


October 11, 1858


DOUGHERTY‑HOWDEN - In Christ's Church, on Friday, the 8th instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. James Dougherty, to Miss Alice Ann Howden, both of the Township of Onondaga.


October 12, 1858


SHEPHERD‑CHILDS - In this city, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Charles Lavell, Mr. Ralph Shepherd, to Miss Jane Childs, both of the city of Hamilton,


October 14, 1858


GARRY‑WILLIS - On the 8th instant, at the U.P.Manse, by the Rev William Ormiston, Mr. James Garry, of Dundas, to Miss Margaret Willis, of Hamilton.


October 15, 1858


TROUP‑RUSSELL - In this city, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D. , at, the residence of the bride's uncle, James Walker, Esq., the Rev. William Troup, of Plympton, C.W., to Elizabeth Mary, daughter of the late M. Russell, Esq., Northallerton, Yorkshire, England.


RENNIE‑RAE - On the 14th instant, at the residence of Mr. Scott, Maple Grove, Ancaster, by the Rev. Mr. Irvine, Mr. Alexander Rennie, from Stirlingshire, Scotland, to Miss Margaret Rae, from the sane place.

October 22, 1858


DAVIS‑FLOCK - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. James L. Alexander, James G. Davis, Esq., of Hamilton, to Catharine, only daughter of Mr. Andrew Flock, of Barton.


October 23, 1858


HAYCOCK‑HASTINGS - On the 7th instant, at Grace Church, East Port, State of New York, by the Rev. Charles M. Flint, Frederick N. Haycock, Collector of Customs, Chippawa, C.W., to Frances W. Hastings, daughter of Simon Hastings, Esq., of the same place.


October 25, 1858


MITCHELL‑PIERCE - In Christ's Church, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. Albert A. Mitchell, to Miss Judith Pierce, both of this city.


DAY‑WALTERS - In the same church, on the same day, and by the same, Mr. James Day, to Miss Margaret Walters, both of Hamilton.


BRIDGES‑HAMPSON - In Christ's Church, on the 21st, instant, by the same, Mr. Charles Bridges, to Miss Martha Hampson.


PASSMORE‑STEVENS - On the same day, in the same, and by the same, Mr. Edward Passmore, to Mrs. Jane Stevens.


October 27, 1858


MCDONALD‑MCDOWELL - In this city, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., David Barker McDonald, Esq., druggist, eldest son of James McDonald, Esq., Sheriff, County of Prince Edward, to Minnie, youngest, daughter of Henry McDowell , Esq., of this city.


October 28, 1858


CAMPBELL‑LAWSON - At the residence of the bride's father, Cathcart street, on Wednesday, the 27th instant, by the Rev. Francis Berry, Mr, Walter P. Campbell, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of William Lawson, Esq.


October 29, 1858


SCOTT‑MCKAY - At Woodstock, on Wednesday, the 27th instant, by the Rev. W. S. Bell, David Scott, Esq., merchant, Woodstock, to Anne, only daughter of the late Samuel McKay, Esq., of the same place.

November 1,1858


ALTON‑CLINE - On the 28th ultimo, at Port Nelson, by the Rev. T. Green, Mr. Thomas Alton, to Miss Johanna Cline, both of the Township of Nelson.


November 12, 1858


CLARK‑HOUGH - In Weston, Missouri, on the 24th ultimo, by J. Woods, Esq., Mr. George Clark, late of Hamilton, to Miss Sarah Hough.


November 15, 1858


STRICKLAND‑ROTHWELL - At the Church of the Ascension, Hamilton, on Wednesday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. John Hebden, Mr. George W. R. Strickland, second eldest son of Colonel Strickland, of North Daro, to Miss Fanny Sinclair, second eldest daughter of Thomas Wade Rothwell, Esq., of Warwick.


November 17, 1858


TUDHOPE‑CARR - 15th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, Coverley Terrace, Glanford, by the Rev. George A. Bull, James Wood Tudhope, Esq., of Port Huron, State of Michigan, to Sarah, sixth daughter of Robert Carr, Esq., late of Bridlington, East Riding of York, England.


HARRIS‑DEANELLY - In the Church of the Ascension, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. John Hebden, M.A., John Harris, Esq., merchant, to Jane, youngest daughter of Edward Deanelly, Esq., all of this city.


November 19, 1858


LEE‑SIDEY At Binbrook, on the 16th , at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. White, Irey Case Lee, Esq., to Miss Isabella Jane, second daughter of John Sidey, Esq.


November 22, 1858


DAWSON‑CAMPBELL - In Barton, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. George A. Bull, Mr. George Dawson, to Miss Amelia Campbell, both of the village of Caledonia.


RANDLES‑JACK - In Glanford, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Geo A. Bull, Mr. George Randles, to Miss Ann Jack, both of the said township.


MOORE‑MULLEN - On the 5th instant, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., John Moore,of Prince Edward, to Eliza Mullen, of this city.

SEAGER‑MCTAGGOT - On the 19th instant, by the same, James Seager, of West Flamborough, to Ann McTaggot, of this city.


DUNLOP‑MONTEITH - On the same day, by the same, James Dunlop, of Garafraxa, to Jane Monteith, of this city.


November 25, 1858


DANIELL‑SHEPPARD - On the 20th ultimo, at St. Peter's Church, Boston, Mass., by the Rev. J. P. Robinson, Mr. R. Daniell, of this city, to Emily, youngest daughter of Capt. Sheppard, Isle of Wight, England.


November 26, 1858


HARVEY‑GRIST - On the 25th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, in this city, by the Rev. J. Hebden, M.A., Mr. Arthur Harvey, of this journal, to Jane, daughter of John Grist, Esq., R. E. Department, Quebec.


WOODS‑CARROLL - On the 27th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, Mr. James Woods, to Miss Carroll, both of this city.


CRAWFORD‑CRAIGIE - At Hamilton, C.W., on the 25th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, St. Andrew's Church, William G. Crawford, cashier Gore Bank, to Mary, daughter of William Craigie, surgeon.


November 29, 1858


NEW‑HARRIS - In this city, on the 24th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, MacNab street, by the Rev. John Bates, Mr. James New, eldest son of Daniel New, Esq., to Miss Emily Harris, second daughter of George Harris, Esq., both of this city.


November 30, 1858


WARREN‑COWIE - In this city, at the Church of the Ascension, on the 26th instant, Mr. E. Warren, to Miss A. Cowie, both of Hamilton.


December 2, 1858


CLARKE‑BARNHOPE - By the Rev. Charles Lavell, in this city, on the 30th ultimo, Mr. Frederick Clarke, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Barnhope, both of this city.


FOX‑FLEUELLING - On the 25th ultimo, at, Kilbride, Nelson, by the Rev. T. McAllister, John Fox, Esq., of Barton Township, to Jerusie Fleuelling, second daughter of Mr. Caleb Fleuelling, of Nelson.

December 7, 1858


SMITH‑NIXON - In this city, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., John Smith, Esq., to Miss Sarah A. Nixon, daughter of the late James Nixon, Esq., Glasgow.


December 8, 1858


GIBSON‑BROWN - On the 3rd instant, by the Rev. John McRobie, of Jarvis, James Gibson, Esq., of Ancaster, to Miss Jemima Brown, of Oneida.


December 9, 1858


ROSS‑FORD - In Kingston, on the 2nd of December, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. D. Machar, Alexander Ross, Esq., to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of William Ford, Jr., Esq., all of that city.


December 14, 1858


DINGLE‑SPEADS - On the 5th instant, at Linley Farm, near Sparta, C.W., by the Rev. A. Smith, Mr. William N. Dingle, to Miss Speads, step‑daughter of James Jay, Esq.


December 15, 1858


AIKMAN‑WILLSON - On Tuesday, the 14th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Fawcet, at the residence of the bride's uncle, Henry R. Willson, Esq., Saltfleet, Mr. John C. Aikman, of Ancaster, to Elizabeth Jane, only daughter of the late James Willson, Esq., of Nelson.


December 16, 1858


JARVIS‑PATTERSON - By the Rev. G. Huntsberger, at the Parsonage, December 5, Mr. Isaac Jarvis, of the Township of Saltfleet, to Miss Catherine Patterson, of the Township of Glanford.


SURTEES‑JEFFRY - At Christ's Church, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, Mr. Robert Surtees, civil engineer, late of Darlington, England, to Lucy, eldest daughter of the late Mr. William Jeffry, of this city.


SHARP‑BRITTLE - On the 12th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, John street, Mr. Harry Sharp, to Miss Mary M. Brittle, both of this city.


December 18, 1858


PATTON‑CRAIG - At the Church of the Ascension, on the 15th instant by the Rev. Mr. Hebden, S. G. Patton, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Craig, Esq., Hamilton.

December 22, 1858


BULLOCK‑DUFFIELD - On the 20th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. James Hughs, Mr. James Bullock, youngest son of W. Bullock, Esq., of Flamborough West, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. Isaac Duffield, of Glanford.


December 24, 1858


VAIR‑MILLS - In this city, on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. Charles Lavell, Mr. Robert Vair, of Kingston, to Miss Eliza Mills, of the city of Hamilton.


SCOTT‑CARSCALLEN - At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Charles Lavell, on the 22nd instant, Mr. Thomas O. Scott, of Brantford, to Miss Dorothy Carscallen of Saltfleet.


December 25, 1858


SCOTT‑CARSCALLEN - On the 23rd instant, by the Rev. Mr. Lavell, at the residence of the bride's father, Township of Saltfleet, Mr. Thomas O. Scott, of Brantford, to Miss Dorothy Victoria Carscallen, eldest daughter of John T. Carscallen.


SPEIRS‑EDGAR - On the 16th instant, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., Mr. William Stewart Speirs, of Clifton, to Miss Ann Edgar.


MELDRUM‑FRASER - On the 23rd instant, Mr. Thomas Meldrum, to Mrs. Jane Fraser, all of this city.


December 29, 1858


BELL-FISHER - At Christ's Church, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. W. M. Ross, M.A., curate, Mr. William Bell, of the village of Stoney Creek, to Mrs. Mary Fisher, of this city.


MAXWELL‑CARMICHAY - On the 23rd instant, in Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Mr. James Maxwell, to Miss Nancy Jane Carmichay, both of this city.


SIMPSON‑NEWSON - On the 28th instant, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, Mr. Tindill Simpson, of Berlin, to Miss Ellen Newson, of this city.


December 31, 1858


WALLER‑WILSON - Yesterday, by the Rev. Dr. Blackman, Mr. George Waller, of Beamsville, to Eliza Sarah, daughter of Mr. Joseph Wilson, of the same place.