Marriages from the Hamilton Spectator
January to June 1897
Saturday, Jan 2, 1897
ROY-WANN - At the residence of the father of the bridegroom, 319 Wellington St. North, on
Thursday evening, Dec. 31st, by the Rev. J.F. Barker, Robert Roy, and Gertrude Wann, all of this
HARPER-SMITH - On Wednesday, Dec. 30th, 1896, in Hamilton, by the Rev. J. VanWick, James
Harper, of Winona, to Belle, oldest daughter of Nahum Smith, of Stony Creek.
STANDING-AUSTIN - At Stony Creek, Wednesday, Dec. 30th, 1896, by the Rev. Wray R. Smith,
Thomas W. Standing of the Pembroke High School staff, to Mary D. Austin, Lyneloch.
PULKINGHAM-McBRIDE - On Dec. 31st by the Rev. Mungo Fraser, Charles Pulkingham, to
Mary Graham McBride, all of this city.
HARE-WHITE - At the residence of the bride’s parents “Lemon Dale”, Winona, Ont., by the Rev.
F. E. Hewitt, rector of St. George’s church, Hamilton, Vivian M. Hare, of Toronto, to Clara K., only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. White.
FISHER-LYMBURNER (Fonthill) - On Wednesday of last week about 60 people assembled at the
residence of Fred and Mrs. Fisher to witness the marriage of their daughter Matilda, to Fred
Lymburner. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. G. Johnstone, of Welland. The bride, who
was prettily attired in white cashmere, was attended by Miss Maude Hotditch, of Ridgeville; the
groomsman was Mallus Lymburner. After the service all sat down to a most sumptuous repast, to
which justice was fully done. The happy couple left at 3:30 amidst a shower of rice and slippers for
Welland, en route for Buffalo, where they will spend the honeymoon.
FILMAN-CARTWRIGHT (Aldershot) - Joshua Filman was married on Wednesday Dec. 30, at
Hamilton, to Mrs. William Cartwright, Burlington.
Monday, January 4, 1897
HARE-WHITE - At the residence of the bride’s parents, “Lemon Dale”, Winona, Ontario, by the
Rev. F.E. Hewitt, rector of St. George’s church, Hamilton, Vivian M. Hare, of Toronto, to Clara K.
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. White.
CORMAN-WILSON (Abingdon) - A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Philip and Mrs.
Corman, on Tuesday, Dec. 15, it being the marriage of their eldest daughter Edith, to Philip Wilson,
of Simcoe.
Tuesday, January 5, 1897
WILKINSON-YOUNG (Glanford) - Miss Agnes Wilkinson, eldest daughter of the late Thomas
Wilkinson, was married on Wednesday last, to Alexander Young of Glanford.
Wednesday, January, 6 1897
CURRY-ANDERSON - On the 4th of January, by the Rev. Rural Dean, ...... Massey, M.A. St.
Luke’s, Miss Hattie Anderson, to Mr. Frank Curry, both of the city.
HAMILTON-DUFF - On Jan. 5, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. George A. Bull,
M.A., Peter Hunter Hamilton, to Elmira H. Duff, eldest daughter of W.A.H. Duff, Barrister.
Thursday, January 7, 1897
JOHNSON-MARRIOTT - On Jan 6th, at 4 p.m. at the residence of the bride’s mother, James St., by
the Rev. P.W. Philpott, Joel Dennis Johnson, to Ella Louisa Marriott.
KILLINS (Attercliffe) - Isaac Killins has taken to himself a wife.
KIMBAL-CLARKE (Attercliffe) - George Kimbal was married on Christmas to Miss Maggie
Clarke of Fonthill.
Friday, January 8, 1897
JONES-GRIEVENE - (Stony Creek) - A quiet wedding took place in the Church of the Redeemer
on Wednesday 6, the contracting parties being Harry Jones and Miss Mary Grievene, youngest
daughter of Walter Grievene. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C.E. Bell, rector of the church.
Only the immediate relatives and friends were in attendance. After the ceremony the young couple
left immediately for the groom’s home at Sudbury Junction, where he has secured a lucrative
position with the C.P.R. railway. The young couple have the best wishes of every resident of this
village, and they will be missed, as they were both energetic and earnest workers in connection with
the church and Sunday school in this village.
Saturday, January 9, 1897
ALLANSON-PRICE - At Belmont, Edmonton, Alberta Territory, on Wednesday, 31st Dec. 1896,
Mr. Hope Allanson, son of the late John Allanson, Esq., of this city, to Miss Jane Price, Belmont.
Thursday, January 14, 1897
KELSO-SEAL - In this city January 13, 1897, by the Rev. A. MacWilliams, Hugh Kelso, to Miss
Annie Seal, all of this city.
CASHMAN-FAHEY - Florence Donley Fahey, eldest daughter of the late James Fahey, some time
of the Spectator, has been married to W. P. Cashman, of Barrie.
Friday, January 15, 1897
ELLIS-PENNY - At Buffalo, N.Y. Wednesday January 13th, 1897, by the Rev. E.F. Hubbell,
Valentine B. Ellis, of Winona, Ont., to Miss Ethel L. Penny, of Buffalo, N.Y.
Tuesday, January 19, 1897
DUFFY-GORDON - Early this morning, a quiet wedding took place at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Miss
Maggie Gordon, niece of John Hunter, MacNab Street North, being married to Edward Duffy,
butcher, James Street. Rev. Father Mahoney performed the ceremony after which the nuptial mass
was read. Miss Lizzie Duffy, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Thomas Cummings, of
Walter Woods& Co., was best man. The bride was dressed in a becoming travelling suit of blue
cloth. After the ceremony, refreshments were partaken of at the residence of the bride’s uncle. The
bride and groom were the recipients of numerous, beautiful and useful presents, showing the high
esteem in which they are held. The happy couple left on the early train for Kingston, accompanied
by the best wishers of a host of friends.
MERRITT-LAMPMAN (Fulton) - A. Merritt was married last Wednesday evening to Gracie
Lampman, of Merritt’s settlement. The bride is boarding with her sister, Mrs. Merritt, while her
husband is finishing his education in Hamilton.
HEMMINGS-McCLELLAND (Fonthill) - A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the
Industrial home on Wednesday evening, Jan. 6, when Eva, eldest daughter of J.W. Hemmings,
superintendent of the Institution, was united in holy bonds of matrimony to George, B. McClelland,
youngest son of M.H. McClelland, of Fonthill. The ever-interesting ceremony was performed by
Rev. A.E. de St. Dalmas. The bride looked very handsome in a charming costume of garnet cloth,
trimmed with silk, and chiffon. She was attended by Miss Clara North, of Port Colborne, who wore
a pretty dress of brown saleil, with Juipui trimmings. Both ladies carried beautiful bouquets of roses
and carnations. Percy Hemmings, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Only the relatives and
most intimate friends of the contracting parties were present. The house was prettily decorated with
flowers and evergreens. The young people received numerous and costly presents and the best
wishes of a host of friends and acquaintances..
Thursday, January 21, 1897
HELM-MORRISON - On Jan. 9th, 1897, by the Rev. Wray Smith, Nellie, youngest daughter of
Ferdinand Morrison, to Mackenzie Helm, both of this city.
WALSH-WOOD - On Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1897, at Elmwood, Hamilton, the residence of the
bride’s father, J.W.B. Walsh, Dominion Bank, Toronto, only son of the late S.S. Walsh, Guelph, to
Elma B., third daughter of A.T. Wood, Esq. Yesterday afternoon, at Elmwood, the residence of A.T. Wood, M.P., his daughter, Miss Elma B. Wood, was married to J.W.B.Walsh, of the Dominion bank, Toronto, only son of the late S.S.
Walsh of Guelph. The wedding was a quiet affair being attended by the relatives of the contracting
parties. Miss Edith Wood, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and E. Hillyard Cameron, of Toronto
supported the groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Lyle, of the Central Presbyterian
church. Although the wedding was a quiet one, it was exceedingly pretty, and many congratulations and
presents were received by the young couple.
YATES -YOUNGINGER - On Tuesday Jan. 19, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 5 Myrtle
street, by the Rev. A.L. Gee, Miss Georgina second daughter of George Younginger, to William
Henry Yates, only son of William Yates, all of Hamilton.
Friday, January 22, 1897
COLE- FORDE - On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. C..Hamilton, of
Toronto, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. John Stewart, of Carlisle, Mr. Alexander Cole, of
Strabane, to Miss Minnie, youngest daughter of Joseph Forde, Esq., of Carlisle.
Wednesday, January 27, 1897
MUNROE-BAMBERGER - On Wednesday, 27th January, 1897, at the residence of the bride’s
father, “Huntingford”, Dundas road, by the Rev. Dr. Beavis, W.J. Munroe, New Dundee, second
son of Alex Munroe, Hamilton, to Bessie M. only daughter of William F. Bamberger.
Thursday, January 28, 1897
MILLER-WESTBROOK (Onondaga) - A very pleasant event took place at the residence of John
Miller of this village, on Wednesday, when his second daughter, Mary, was married to A.
Westbrook, photographer, of Brantford, formerly of this place. The young couple were very highly
respected in the community, and all will wish them much happiness and prosperity.
Friday, January 29, 1897
PETTIT-NELLES - At St. Andrew’s Church, Grimsby, on Wednesday, the 27th inst., by the Rev.
C.B. Lee, William Hamilton Pettit, to Mabel Isabelle, daughter of James W. G. Nelles, Esq., all of
Wednesday, February 3, 1897
WHITE-CLARK (Fulton) - A very pleasant gathering met at the home of J.E. White on Thursday
evening to celebrate the marriage of his youngest daughter, Ella, to G.E. Clark of Binbrook. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Whitworth, assisted by Rev. J. Fielding. The bride was
attended by her cousin, Miss Jessie Snyder, of Abingdon, while the groom was assisted by his
brother, H. Clark, of Hamilton. The wedding march was played by Miss Stanard, of Hamilton. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark left the morning following to visit the falls and other places of interest.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 1897
CROUCH-SNYDER - On Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1897, at St. John’s church Grimsby, by the Rev.
John Muir, assisted by the Rev. J.G. Murray, Miss Emily Rose, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas
Snyder, North Grimsby, to William Crouch.
BARR-RUSSELL - Wilson Barr, druggist, was married last night, to Miss Maggie Russell. The
wedding was attended by a number of friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by
her cousin, Miss Grace Russell, of Carluke. Herbert L. Barr was best man. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Barr went east last night.
Saturday, February 6, 1897
WOODRUFF-MILLS - At the residence of the bride’s father, Main St. West, Hamilton, Ont., on
Saturday Feb. 6th, 1897, by the Rev. George Forserat, M.A., Minerva Beatrice, second daughter of
James H. Mills, Esq., to William Emerson Woodruff, of Niagara Falls, Barrister-at-law.
Wednesday, February 10, 1897
McPHERSON-LAIRD - A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Thomas W. Laird,
Hughson Street North, at 1 o’clock to-day, when Rev. H.A.. McPherson of Acton, and Miss Maggie
Laird were united in marriage. Mr. McPherson is well known in this city, particularly in the north
end. For several years he wass pastor of the north end mission of Knox church. Miss Laird was
leader of the choir at the mission, and also taught a Sunday school class. Rev. Dr. Fraser performed
the marriage ceremony. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Aggie Laird, and W.M.
McKay, of Norval, assisted the groom. The gifts were beautiful and many, showing the high esteem
in which they are held. Among the presents were one from the congregation of the mission and
another from the young ladies Sunday school class. Among the guests from a distance were;
Charles Laird, Chicago; J. Laird, Oil City, Mich.; R. and Mrs. Laird, Toronto; Mrs. Spears, Innisfil;
Mrs. Ballangal, Innisfil, and Miss A. Laird, Galt. After the marriage ceremony, the 100 guests present sat down to partake of the wedding breakfast, during which an impromptu program was carried out. The happy couple left for the West
amid showers of good wishes and rice. On their return from the honeymoon trip they will take up
their residence at Acton.
McCLARY-WILSON (Glanford) - A pretty wedding took place in St. Paul’s church Glanford on
Feb. 3, it being the union of Miss Effie McClary of Glanford, to Robert Wilson of Ancaster. The
bride was becomingly attired and was attended by Miss Wilson, sister of the groom. The
groomsman was Abner Smith, of Ancaster. After the ceremony was performed, relatives and friends
proceeded to the bride’s home where a sumptuous repast was prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on
the evening train for Kent.
SLAUGHTER-STRATHERS (Southcote) - John Slaughter, and Miss Jane Strathers were married
last week.
PETTIT-NELLES (Grimsby) - On Feb. 3, the wedding bells were ringing for the marriage of
William Pettit to Miss Mabel Nelles, only daughter of J.W.G. and Mrs. Nelles. They were married
in St. Andrew’s church, after which they took their departure for London, and other cities in the
Friday, February 12, 1897
WALKER-WEYLIE - On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, 78 Ontario Ave.,
Hamilton, by Rev. Jas. Black, Jas. H. Walker, of Olds Alberta, to Mary Agnes, daughter of S.B.
Weylie Esq. At the residence of her father, 78 Ontario avenue, Miss Mary Agnes Weylie was wedded
yesterday to James H. Walker, a prosperous young merchant of Olds, Alberta territory. Rev. James
Black was the officiating clergyman. Miss Nellie Weylie, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and
W. Walker the grooms nephew, acted as best man. The groom is a son of Robert Walker of
Caledonia. After the ceremony a wedding feast was participated in. Among the presents was a
beautiful silver tea set from the bride’s father.
Monday, February 15, 1897
MACPHERSON-LAIRD - At the residence of the bride’s parents, 363 Hughson St. North, this city,
on Wednesday Feb. 10, by Rev. Dr. Fraser, pastor of Knox church, assisted by Rev. F. Carmeron, of
North East Hope, Maggie, daughter of Thomas W. Laird, to Rev. H. A. Macpherson, pastor of
Knox church Acton.
TISDALE-PARKER (Attercliffe) - John E. Tisdale, of this place, and Miss Clara Parker, of Forks
Road, were quietly married at the home of the groom.
Wednesday, February 17, 1897
OCKENDON-NEIL (Grimsby) - A quiet wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock
at St. Andrew’s church, the happy pair being Arthur Ockendon and Miss Edith Neil, both of
Grimsby. They were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony by Rev. C.R. Lee, of Grimsby. The
happy couple left for Toronto, and other cities on the evening train, taking with them best wishes
for a happy and prosperous life.
Thursday, February 18, 1897
MILLS-HOWARD - Miss F.L. Mills, eldest daughter of Mason Mills, of Iroquois, Ont., and L.W.
Howard, manager of the Molson’s bank, Morrisburg, were married at St. John’s church there
Wednesday. No affair of the kind has for years excited so much interest locally as this.
Friday, February 19, 1897
LEWIS-STEVENSON - On Thursday, Feb. 18, at the parsonage, by the Rev. J. Vanwick, Sarah,
only daughter of Thos. Stevenson, to John Lewis, all of Dundas road.
Monday, February 22, 1897
FRY-HILL (Selkirk) - Our villagers were greatly taken by surprise on Wednesday last, to hear that
one of our residents was about to take to himself another wife. Dr. Fry left on the morning train for
Rochester, where he was united in marriage to Miss Hill, of New Haven.
Thursday, February 25, 1897
KARTZMARK-ROBERTSON - On Wednesday, March 24, at the residence of her stepfather, Mr.
W.J. Wright, 105 John St. North, by the Rev. Mr. Philp, D.D., Ferdinand Kartzmark to Emily A.
Robertson, youngest daughter of the late Walter Robertson, of London, England.
Friday, February 26, 1897
KARTZMARK-ROBERTSON - On Wednesday, March 24, at the residence of her stepfather, Mr.
W.J. Wright, 105 John St. North, by the Rev. Mr. Philp, D.D., Ferdinand Kartzmark to Emily A.
Robertson, youngest daughter of the late Walter Robertson, of London, England.
Monday, March 1, 1897
WOTTON-YOUNG - At the manse, by Rev. D.H. Fletcher, D.D., on March 1, Mary Young, of
Hamilton, to Samuel Wotton, of Toronto.
FOUNTAIN-JOHNSON - At the residence of the bride’s parents, on 17th February, by the Rev.
Wm. P. Walker, James E. Fountain, of North Gwillimbury, to Hannah Jane, second daughter of Mr.
Matthew Johnson, Binbrook.
Tuesday, March 2, 1897
WOTTON-YOUNG - Samuel Wotton, of Toronto, formerly secretary of the Associated charities of
this city, was married yesterday to Miss Mary Young, of this city.
Thursday, March 4, 1897
TURNER-McALLISTER - On the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Dr. Lyle, at the residence of the bride’s
father, Sarah, daughter of W.J. McAllister, to George A. Turner.
EARLES-McBRIDE - At the residence of the bride’s parents, March 3rd, by the Rev. William F.
Walker, Robert Earles, Esq., Howick, to Agnes McBride, third daughter of Mr. Francis McBride,
Saturday, March 6, 1897
CHAPPLE-CHAPPLE - In Barton, on Thursday, March 4th, 1897, at the bride’s residence, by the
Rev. Mr. Meaney, of Bartonville, John Chapple to Mrs. Charlotte Chapple, all of Barton.
Tuesday, March 9, 1897
HODGES-HARRIS (Attercliffe) - Chester Hodges and Miss Bessie Harris were married on
Wednesday at the bride’s home.
Friday, March 12, 1897
ROSE-POUMTNEY - On the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. VanWick, at the residence of the bride’s
parents, 180 Ferguson Ave. North, Mary Gertrude, eldest daughter of Joseph Poumtney, to Francis
Rose, of Belhaven, Ont.
Tuesday, March 16, 1897
BUCKLEY-TINNAMORE (Waterdown) - A quiet wedding took place at St. Thomas church by
Rev. Father Murphy. The bride was Miss Annie E. Buckley and the bridegroom was G.W.
Tinnamore, late of Chicago. Miss N. Buckley attended the bride, and Mr. Caps, the bridegroom.
The couple left the church amid showers of rice, and proceeded to the Royal hotel, Hamilton, where
the wedding breakfast was prepared for them. The happy pair intend making their home at Thorton,
near Chicago.
Thursday, March 18, 1897
FREEBORNE-DRYDEN - On Wednesday evening, March 17th, 1897, at the home of Mr. Samuel
New, Main st. west, by Rev. T.J. Bennett, of Herkimer St. Baptist church, Morris Freeborne to Miss
Isabelle Dryden, both of Hamilton.
LESTER-SPRINGER - On March 17th, at the residence of the bride’s mother, No. 234 Main St.
East., by the Rev. Dr. Lyle, Emma A. second daughter of the late Lewis Springer, M.D., to Thomas
W. Lester.
HARRIS-BROCKELSBY - On Wednesday, 17th March, 1897, at Christ Church Cathedral, by the
Rev. Canon Land, Ida Brockelsby to Benjamin Harris, both of this city.
Monday, March 22, 1897
CALDER-RYCKMAN - On Wednesday, March 17th, by the Rev. J.E. Hockey, at the residence of
the bride’s brother, Waterdown, W.B. Calder, of Grimsby, to Ella M. only daughter of the late
Walter Ryckman.
Wednesday, March 24, 1897
TETTER-BLAIR - At Hamilton, Ont., on Wednesday, March 24th, by Rev. Dr. Gilmour, pastor
James Street Baptist Church, Clarence A. Tetter, of Grimsby, to Elsie Blair, daughter of John Blair,
agent G.T.R. at Grimsby.
Monday, March 29, 1897
LATTANER-DORAN (Toronto) March 29 - Mervin Emery Lattaner, a former banker of
Cleveland, Ohio, was married in Knox church to Miss Florence E. Doran, 36 Dennison Avenue.
After the ceremony, the young couple went on a wedding trip to New York, returning to the city on
Friday last. Immediately on his return he was interviewed by the detectives, and his former bank
manager, who had arrived here during Lattaner’s absence on his wedding trip, with the result that
he and his wife return to Cleveland in company with the manager.
Wednesday, April 7, 1897
VANBUSKIRK-HUGHES (Grimsby) - On Wednesday last about 25 couples assembled at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Vanbuskirk, to witness the marriage of their daughter Bessie, to
Robert Hughes of this place. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. John Muir, of the Presbyterian
church, after which all partook of lunch. The bride was attired in white muslin and looked
charming. The happy couple took their departure about 12:15 for their new home. The bride
received many beautiful and costly presents which showed the high esteem in which she was held.
The Grimsby brass band serenaded the happy couple on Monday night, and was treated to a fine
HACKBUSCH-MUELLER - At the German Lutheran church last evening, August Hackbusch, a
well-known and popular young member, was united in marriage to Miss H. Mueller. Rev. E.
Hoffmann officiated, and there were a large number of friends of the young people present. The
bride was gowned in white and carried a shower bouquet of handsome white roses, and wore a
wreath of orange blossoms and lilies of the valley in her hair. Miss Annie Hackbusch, sister of the
groom, was bridesmaid. She carried a bouquet of crimson roses, and charmingly attired in white.
The groom was supported by Hugh Mueller. The ushers were Frank Rohmer, and Mr. Mueller.
After the marriage the guests were entertained at the residence of the bride’s parents on
Ferguson avenue south. There were a large number of handsome presents.
Thursday, April 8, 1897
SHARPE-SUTTON (New York) April 8 - Miss Blanche Lewis Sharpe, of Toronto, Ont., and
Lawrence Edgar Sutton, of Brooklyn, N.Y., were married in the Hanson Place Methodist church,
Brooklyn, yesterday. After the wedding tour, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton will take up residence in
Brooklyn. The marriage was the sequel to a romantic courtship begun in the Long School College
hospital, where Miss Sharpe then a student in the Brooklyn Training school, attended her present
husband during his treatment for hip disease. The couple became engaged shortly afterwards.
Saturday, April 10, 1897
WILKINSON-BABY - At St. George’s church, Sarnia, on Thursday morning, April 8th, by the Rev.
T.R.. Davis, M.A., Howard L. Wilkinson, (of the Melbourne Carriage Goods Company), of this
city, to Miss Mary, youngest daughter of Mrs. F. Baby, of Sarnia.
An interesting wedding took place at Sarnia yesterday, when Howard L. Wilkinson, of
Hamilton, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Baby, youngest daughter of Mrs. F. Baby, of
Sarnia. The ceremony was performed in St. George’s church, by Rev. T.R. Davis, M.A. Miss
Blanche Beresford, of Sarnia, acted as bridesmaid, and Paul Kompass of Hamilton as the
groomsman. The bride was given away by her brother Capt. James Baby. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson
left for the east, where they will spend their honeymoon. On their return they will reside in
Hamilton. Among the guests were Dr, and Mrs. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Chauncey Jarvis, of London.
Monday, April 12, 1897
HACKBUSCH-MUELLER - In St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran church on April 6, 1897, by the
Rev. E. Hoffmann, August Hackbusch, to Hedwig Mueller, both of this city.
MISENER-RAE (Canboro) - A fashionable wedding took place at Alfred Misener’s, Darling Road,
on March 31, when about 81 guests gathered to witness the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Misener’s
only daughter Hattie, to James Rae, of Niagara Falls. The ceremony was performed by Rev.
S.E.Marshall, B.A. After partaking of the wedding breakfast, the happy couple left for Hamilton,
Toronto, and other points of interests. On their return on Monday evening they were serenaded by
the Canboro band. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents. That from the
groom to the bride was a gold watch, and chain; from the groom to the bridesmaid, gold broach;
Alfred and Mrs. Misener, family Bible; Mrs. Geo. Snyder, half dozen silver knives and forks, and
fruit dish; Mrs. McCaffery, table cloths; Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of Hamilton, one dozen silver
teaspoons; Mrs. J.F. Davidson, of Beamsville, silver cake basket; A. Rae, of Scotland, broach;
Annie Gibson, of Beamsville, silver cup; Miss Bessie Phillips, silver pepper cup; Mr. and Mrs. John
Munroe of Hamilton, tea server; Ernest Bird, crystal jug; and other numerous beautiful gifts.
BLAIN-WILKINSON (St. George) - Norman Blain, of this village was married last week to Miss
Bina Wilkinson, of Drumbo.
Tuesday, April 13, 1897
COPP-OATLEY - On the 30th ult., at the Braiding Congregational church, by the Rev. J.R.
Chamberlain, Harold Edward, son of William J. Copp, Ravenscliff, Hamilton, Canada, to Helen
Edith, youngest daughter of the late George Oatley, of Sandoun, Isle of Wight. No cards.
Wednesday, April 14, 1897
COPP-OATLEY - Harold E. Copp, son of W.J. Copp, was married at the Braiding Congregational
church, on March 30, to Miss Helen Oatley, daughter of the late George Oatley, of the Isle of
Thursday, April 15, 1897
McCONNELL-CARTER - At 94 Charles St. Hamilton, on Wednesday, April 14th, 1897, by the Rev.
Neil McPherson, B.D., Charlotte Minnie Carter to Francis McConnell, all of Hamilton.
Saturday, April 17, 1897
ROBBINS-CLEGG - On Thursday, April 15, at the church of St. Thomas, by the Rev. Herbert G.
Miller, M.A., Emma Harriett, youngest daughter of the late John Clegg, to Thomas William
Robbins, both of Hamilton.
JACKSON-COON - A charming wedding took place at Woodside, the residence of John Jackson,
warden of the county of Lincoln, on Wednesday, when Miss Ada M., second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson, was united in marriage to Elva A. Coon. The bride wore a very handsome dress of
cream crepon, and looked lovely in the usual wedding and orange blossoms. She was attended by
her sister Miss Bertha, acting as bridesmaid, who was prettily dressed in crepon of sea green shade;
also by her three nieces who acted as maids of honour, and looked very sweet in their costumes of
cream. George Nicholl, of Caistor, was the groomsman. The ceremony was performed in the
presence of some eighty guests, by Rev. James Bracken, assisted by Rev. William Caldwell. After
the wedding supper was partaken of, and after a few hours spent enjoyably by the guests, the happy
couple proceeded on their wedding tour. The presents were very numerous, both the bride and
groom being highly esteemed in the community.
Monday, April 19, 1897
HANNA-REID - Arthur Hanna, of Ridgeway, N.Y. was married here on Good Friday, at the
residence of William Oke, William Street, to Miss Marjorie, daughter of William Reid, of Hamilton.
Rev. E.B. Lanceley officiated, and Miss Bella Reid was bridesmaid. The groomsman was too ill to
Tuesday, April 20, 1897
EGAN-SLEEMAN - A very pleasant event took place at St. James’ church rectory, Guelph, last
evening. Miss Bella Egan, daughter of E. Egan, was united in matrimony to Charles Sleeman, son
of George Sleeman, of Guelph. Miss Maude Hamilton, of Hamilton, cousin of the bride, was
bridesmaid, and a similar duty was performed for the groom by his brother, George Sleeman, jr.
The newly-married will reside on Suffolk street, Guelph.
Wednesday, April 21, 1897
WHITWELL-COMFORT-(Binbrook) - A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday evening, April
14, at the residence of Edward Whitwell, Binbrook, when his eldest daughter Miss Amanda was
married to Benjamin F. Comfort. The bride entered the room leaning on her father’s arm to the
strain of the Wedding March, played by Miss Eliza Guyatt. The groom was supported by Andrew
Johnson of Binbrook, and the bride by Miss Sarah Beaty, of Hamilton. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. James Bracken of Binbrook, after which the guests partook of a sumptuous
repast and spent a few hours together. The presents were quite numerous and costly. The happy
couple are to make their home on the Stuart farm.
Thursday, April 22, 1897
SUTHERLAND-GILLESPIE - At the residence of the bride’s parents, Wednesday April 21, by the
Rev. Mungo Fraser, D.D., Charles, second son of Angus Sutherland, to Martha F. third daughter of
Hugh Gillespie, all of this city.
Tuesday, April 27, 1897
WALKER-BEDFORD - The wedding of Peter M. Walker, the Milton miner, and Miss Frankie
Bedford, announced in yesterday’s Spectator, will take place this afternoon at 4:30. The young
couple will go to Winnipeg on their wedding trip. (Notice not found.)
Wednesday, April 28, 1897
WALKER-BEDFORD - At Christ’s Church cathedral , yesterday afternoon Rev. Canon Bland,
pronounced the words which made P.M. Walker and Miss Frankie Bedford, man and wife. Mr.
Walker came here in search of a wife, and found her in the person of Miss Bedford, a dining room
girl at the Franklin House. Miss Jennie Horspoll acted as bridesmaid, and the groom was attended
by his brother. After the ceremony refreshments were served at the Franklin House, Mr. and Mrs. Walker
will take a short trip before returning to the west.
Thursday, April 29, 1897
MARTIN-McDOWELL - On Wednesday, April 28th, at 108 Bay st. north, by the Rev. J.L. Gilmour,
Frederick Martin, to Miss Lizzie McDowell, both of Hamilton. Yesterday afternoon, the residence of
Mrs. Bradley, 108 Bay street north, was the scene of a very pleasant event being the marriage of
Miss Lizzie McDowell, to Frederick Martin. Miss Crooks was bridesmaid and the groom was supported by G.T. Winchester. About a score of friends witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. by J.L. Gilmore. After partaking of the
wedding feast Mr. and Mrs. Martin started on their bridal tour, which includes Georgetown, the
former home of the bride, Niagara Falls, and other places.
Friday, April 30, 1897
PARKER-SWAYZIE (Caistor Centre) - Joseph Parker and Miss Swayzie, of Woodburn, were
married last week, at the residence of the bride’s father.
Wednesday, May 5, 1897
DAVIS-WILSON - At 4 o’clock this afternoon, H.C. Davis, the well-known Dundas grocer was
married to Miss Clara Wilson, daughter of the late Thomas Wilson, of Dundas. The wedding was
solemnized at the Wilson homestead, which will be the future home of the young couple. Rev. Dr.
Laing performed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Mercer, of Hamilton, and the best
man was C. Davis, the grooms brother. The young couple will leave Dundas this evening on a short
wedding trip to the east.
Thursday, May 6, 1897
BURTON-BRADEN (Toronto, May 6 ) - A Mormon wedding is rather an uncommon occurrence in
this city, and a natural curiosity thronged the chapel of the Latter Day Saints, in St. Andrew’s
market last night, with an expectant crowd. The chapel has been lately opened, and the sign over the
door reads; “Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”. The furnishings of the
chapel are as primitive as need be. A small choir, assisted by a reed organ, led the singing. The
contracting parties last night were Anson Wesley Burton, a young farmer of Haliburton, and Miss
Amelia Braden, of this city. The gentleman who officiated was R.C. Evans, London, who is an
apostle and leader of his church in Canada. The ceremony is as simple as the most bashful couple
could wish. The bride and groom, bridesmaid, maid of honour, and best man entered by the front
door, and filed through the crowd to the front, and then stood in a row facing the audience. The
ceremony commenced with singing and prayer. A crowd of youngsters outside kept up a
considerable racket, and Apostle Evans requested that the door be kept shut as he wished no one to
get “rattled”. He then, flourished a marriage licence, announced the names of the principles and
proceeded with his back to the audience to perform the ceremony. He asked the bride and groom
but one question each, and then addressed them for a few minutes upon the subject of matrimony,
and asked the groom to seal the contract with the ring “that wholly glittering band which signified
that the love you plighted tonight should never have an end.” A true and good wife, the Apostle
said, was God’s last and best gifts to men. To the groom he said the bride’s lips were to be his
adviser, her kiss the guard of his innocence, her arms his aid and support in sickness and trial, her
prayers his strongest advocate next to heaven. To the bride he said that when a woman secured a
good and true man and husband, she should thank God for the advent of her Messiah. The groom
kissed his bride and the ceremony concluded has it had begun, with singing and prayer.
It is only by a decision of Justice Armours last fall that the rights of the Mormons to perform
marriage ceremonies in Canada were recognized.
Friday, May 7, 1897
ELLIOTT-FERNIGOUGH - A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Thomas Elliott,
MacNab Street North, last evening, when his second daughter, Edith May, was married to John W.
Fernigough. Owing to the illness of the bride’s father, the wedding was a very quiet one, only the
immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present. The bride looked beautiful in a white
corded silk, trimmed with lace and pearls, veil of white tulle and natural flowers. She was assisted
by Miss Lillian Munroe, a attired in pink silk crepon, and her sister Clara, dressed in white Swiss
muslin, trimmed with pink. The groom was supported by his brother, James Fernigough.
Rev. Mr. Howitt officiated at the ceremony. After the ceremony, the wedding breakfast was
partaken of. The young couple left at a late hour, amid showers of rice and good wishes. The many
gifts testified the high esteem in which they were held by their many friends. The gift of the groom
to the bride was a handsome gold watch, and to the bridesmaids very pretty pearl rings.
Thursday, May 13, 1897
IVES-VILLIERS - On April 28th, Colonel Gordon Ives, Cold Stream Guards, of Gaston Grange,
Alton, Hants, to Miss Millicent Villiers, only child of the late George William Villiers, and
granddaughter of the late Capt. George Villiers, Royal Horse Guards, who led the Household
Cavalry Brigade as Lord Henry Summerset’s Brigade Major at Waterloo.
Friday, May 21, 1897
RODGERS-DRAPER - On Thursday, 20th inst, Martha Draper, late of Leamington, Warwick,
England, to Samuel Rodgers, Hamilton, by the Rev. Rural Dean. Massey, M.A., rector St. Luke’s
Church, Hamilton, Ontario.
Monday, May 24, 1897
FLEMING-WHITE (St. George) - J.H. Fleming, of this village, was married to Miss J. White, of
Branchton, last Tuesday afternoon.
Tuesday, May 25, 1897
PARRY-ROSBROOK - At the residence of Mr. B. Phillips, 233 Locke St. South, on May 24, at 4:00
o’clock, by the Rev. T.J. Bennett, Mr. George Parry to Miss Susie Rosbrook, both of Toronto.
A quiet wedding took place yesterday afternoon at the home of H. Phillips, 233 Locke street
south, when George Parry, of Toronto, and Miss Susie Rosbrook, only daughter of the late George
Rosbrook, of Southend, Eng., celebrated the twenty-fourth by being united in the bonds of
matrimony. The bride was tastefully arrayed in cream cashmere trimmed with silk. Only immediate
friends were invited. After the supper, the couple took the train for Toronto, where they will make
their home.
Wednesday, May 26, 1897
HACKETT-CRONIN - At Detroit, on Monday, May 24th, at the residence of the Rev. Father Meath,
of St. Leo’s Church, W.A. Hackett, M.D. Professor in the Michigan College of Medicine and
Surgery, to Amelia, ( Millie), eldest daughter of the late Richard B. Cronin.
GILLAN-LEEMING (Glanford) - Elmer Gillan and Miss Lethy Leeming, both of Glanford, were
quietly married at Hall’s Corners on Wednesday last.
Thursday, May 27, 1897
LUXTON-GRUER - At the residence of the bride’s father in Mount Forest, Ont., on Monday May
24th, by the Rev. J. McMillan, Arthur G.H. Luxton, of he Bank of Hamilton, Georgetown, son of the
late George Luxton, of this city, to Margaret R.W. only daughter of Wm. Gruer, Esq.
McDONNELL-LYMBURNER (Caistorville) - Miss M. McDonnell and M. Lymburner, of Caistor,
were married last Wednesday.
Friday, May 28, 1897
SPARKS-McPHERSON - The St. Mary’s Journal has the following report of the wedding of a
popular member of the Collegiate Institute staff; “A quiet but pleasant wedding took place at 1:30
on Saturday, at the residence of Dr. Sparks, Church St., when his daughter Eugenia, was united in
marriage to Fred Fotheringham McPherson, B.A. English master, of the Hamilton Collegiate
Institute. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Grant, pastor of Knox church, St. Mary’s,
assisted by Rev. T.H. Brown, of Delaware, Ont. in the presence of the intimate friends only of the
family. The bride was a very popular young lady with both old and young in town. She filled the
position at Knox church and a similar position with the Sabbath school. She was made the recipient
of a number of lovely presents. After the wedding dejeuner, the happy couple left by the 3:48
G.T.R. train for their future home in Hamilton. Mr. McPherson is a native of East Nissouri, where
he has many friends, who will unite with the Journal in wishing himself and bride many years of
happy married life in the ambitious city”.
Tuesday, June 1, 1897
WILLIS-BATCHELOR - A London dispatch says : “the villagers of Arva, about five miles north of
this city, have been much exercised about the disappearance of Miss Willis, of London township, on
the eve of her wedding with Charles Scafe, of Ridgetown. It had been reported that Miss Willis had
gone away to marry someone else, but this was denied by her friends. It has since transpired,
however, that on the day of her disappearance Miss Willis received a telegram from a former lover
named Batchelor, a Hamilton drug clerk, and it was in response to the telegram that Miss Willis left
home. The two were married at Hamilton, and are now spending their honeymoon with Mr.
Batchelor’s parents in Brantford. Miss Willis had been engaged to Mr. Batchelor before she became
engaged to Mr. Scafe, but the two were estranged. Mr. Batchelor heard of the approaching marriage
and telegraphed in time to secure the bride for himself.”
None of the local druggists, of whom inquiries were made, knew a drug clerk of that name here.
There is a druggist of that name in Brantford, but he is an elderly man.
Wednesday, June 2, 1897
SNODGRASS-GRAY - On Wednesday June 2nd, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Fairview
Farm, Saltfleet, by Rev. John Young, of St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Robert
Alexander Snodgrass, of this city, to Lillie Margaret, eldest daughter of Charles E. Gray, Esq.
This afternoon a few friends gathered at the residence of Charles E. Gray, Fairview farm,
Saltfleet, to witness the marriage of Miss Lillie M. Gray, to Robert A. Snodgrass of Hamilton. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Young of Hamilton. The bridesmaid was Miss Annie A.
Grainger of Stony Creek, to whom the groom presented a silver bracelet. The groom was ably by F.
Chantiler, of Hamilton. After the ceremony, the wedding party sat down to an afternoon tea. The
bride was the recipient of many useful presents showing the esteem in which she is held by her
many friends. Among the presents was a gold watch and chain, a gift of the groom.
The happy couple left on the evening train for an extended trip to Montreal, and other points
PAINE-CLARKE - On Tuesday, June 1st, at Holy Trinity church Barton, by Rev. I. Bennetts,
William J.M. Paine, of Orillia, of Anne Gertrude Amye Clarke, daughter of the late Edward
Murlesse Clarke, of Torquay, Devonshire, England.
MUNRO-CHRISTIE - Tuesday evening, June 1st, at 108 Victoria Ave. North, the residence of the
bride’s father, by the Rev. John Young, M.A. of St. John’s Presbyterian church, Marion, third
daughter of Mr. Robert Christie, to Murdock A. Munro, eldest son of Mr.Alexander Munro.
TANNER- GIBSON - On June 2nd, at Edgar Watkins, 24 Emerald St. South, by Rev. Dr. Tovell,
David J. Tanner, of Millbank, to Maggie J. Gibson, of this city.
At 8 o’clock this morning at the residence of Edgar Watkins, 24 Emerald Street South, Miss
Maggie Gibson was united in marriage to David J. Tanner. The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Dr. Tovell, of the First Methodist church. The bride was a very popular young lady, a Sunday
school teacher in the Gore street Sunday school, and a very active member of the Christian
Endeavor. She wore a becoming suit of brown. After the wedding dejeuner, the happy couple
left by the 9 o’clock train for their future home in the West. Mr. Tanner came from Millbank,
in Morington township, Perth county, and up to three years ago the bride was also a resident there.
She leaves many friends here who wish her every happiness in the future.
Thursday, June 3, 1897
MARSHALL-BURKHOLDER - At the manse, Burlington, on June 2, by the Rev. Dr. Abraham,
Charles Wesley Marshall, to Dorothy Burkholder, both of Saltfleet, county of Wentworth.
WELLS-HENNINGS - On Wednesday, June 2, at the Victoria Ave. Baptist church, by the Rev. J.F.
Barker, W.A. Wells, to Miss Nellie, second daughter of L. Hennings, all of Hamilton.
GUEST-MITCHELL - On June 3, at Grimsby by he Rev. R.J. Foreman, Edgar J. Guest, of
Ancaster, to Tiny, fourth daughter of Capt. James Mitchell, 60 Ferrie St. West.
Friday, June 4, 1897
SMITH-DAVIDSON - On Thursday, June 3, at the church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Dean
Wade, Charles Smith to Isabel Davidson, both of this city.
EGAN-PEER - In Chicago, on June 2nd, at St. Agnes’ Church, by Rev. N.J. Hitchcock, Ella,
daughter of Philip Peer, Hamilton to M.G. Egan, of Chicago.
BEDWELL- MUIR - On Wednesday, June 2nd, 1897, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by the
Rev. A.L.Gee, M.A., Ph.D., Daniel A. Bedwell, jun., to Mary E. eldest daughter of David A. Muir,
all of this city.
Saturday, June 5, 1897
MARTEN-COOK - On June 2nd, by Rev. Dr. Gee, G.W. Marten, to Miss Florence Cook, daughter
of Mrs. H. Cline, both of this city.
Thursday, June 10, 1897
ROUSSEAU-BAIN - On Wednesday, 9th June, at 94 Charles street, Hamilton, by Rev. Neil
McPherson, M.A., Mr. John B. Rousseau, to Miss Mary Jane Bain, all of this city.
John B. Rousseaux, a well-known, and highly esteemed young man, in the employ of Winer &
Co., took for himself a wife yesterday afternoon in the person of Miss May Jane Bain, an estimable
young woman, sister of Alex Bain, of Bradt & Co’s grocery firm. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Neil McPherson at the residence of the groom’s parents, 176 West Avenue North, in the
presence of immediate relatives and friends. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Annie Bain,
and the best man, was A. Rousseau, the groom’s cousin.
WILKINSON-LOW - At Prospect Place, Mountain Brow, on June 9, 1897, by Rev. W.H. Wade,
rector Ascension church, Hamilton, Frank W. Wilkinson to Mary R. (Minnie) Low, both of Barton
township. At the residence of John Passmore, Prospect Place, mountain brow, Miss Minnie R. Lowe, a
niece of Mr. Passmore, was last night married to Frank W. Wilkinson, eldest son of Frank
Wilkinson, the well-known grain buyer. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.H. Wade, in the
presence of immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. James H. Wilkinson, brother
of the groom was best man, and Sadie Wilkinson, the groom’s sister, made a charming bridesmaid.
The bride and bridesmaid both wore white muslin costumes, and carried large bouquets of roses. A
unique feature of the service was the floral alter before which the ceremony was performed. It was
made of Hawthorn blossoms, and looked beautiful. After the ceremony, a wedding supper was
served, the groom’s father proposing the toast to the newly-wedded couple and Rev. W.H. Wade
responding for them. The wedding gifts were numerous, and of a most useful nature. After July 1,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson will be at home at their city residence, 170 Aberdeen avenue.
WEBB-MARTIN - At St. Thomas’ church, on June 9, by the Rev. Herbert G. Miller, Albert Webb,
to Annie, daughter of Mr. Charles Martin, of Cornwall, England.
HAMILTON-RUTHERFORD - On Wednesday, June 9th, at Fernhill, East Hamilton, by the Rev.
J.A. McDonald, of Toronto, Harriet Grace, daughter of Mr. Geo. Rutherford, to Ferdinand
Hamilton, all of this city.
At Fern Hill, George Rutherford’s East Hamilton residence at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, about
70 relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony which made
Harriet Grace, Mr. Rutherford’s eldest daughter, the wife of Ferdinand Hamilton, son of Joseph
Hamilton, of St. Catharines, and manager of the Wood-Vallance company’s business. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.A. MacDonald, of Toronto, and editor of the West Minister.
The wedding was a very quiet affair throughout, and after the wedding supper, the young couple left
in the evening train for Chicago and other western points. The bridesmaids were; Mary S.
Rutherford, sister of the bride, Ethel MacAuley, and Miss S. Robertson. The groomsman was
Charles Aylwin Hamilton, brother of the groom.
AIKEN-SMITH - At Hazeldean farm, Glanford, yesterday Miss Ella Aiken, daughter of Samuel
Aiken was married to Elsworth Smith, in the presence of a large number of guests. The bride was
attended by Miss Ina Pottruff, and Winnie Smith and Viola Pottruff, acted as maids of honour.
Benjamin Smith, brother of the groom, was best man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G.
Ferguson, assisted by Rev. S.J. Kelly. The bride wore a charming gown of white brocaded silk, with
lace trimmings, and a veil, caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of lilies and
ferns. The bridesmaid and maids of honour were charmingly attired. After the ceremony, there was
an elaborate wedding luncheon. Music was furnished by the Imperial orchestra.
WADDELL-LISTER - At Sarnia yesterday, Frank R. Waddell, barrister, of this city, was married to
Miss Maude Eliza Lister, daughter of James Lister, M.P. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss
Lister, and E.H. Ambrose, of this city, was best man.
LOVEGROVE-WASBINDER - Miss R.E. Lovegrove of South Cayuga, a niece of Mrs. Stockwell,
was married last week, to Jabez Wasbinder, of the same place.
Saturday, June 12, 1897
WADDELL-LISTER - At St. George’s church, Sarnia, by Rev. T.E. Davis, on Wednesday, 9th June,
Frank Russell Waddell, of Hamilton, barrister-at-law, to Maude Eliza, second daughter of James F.
Lister, Q.C., M.P., of Sarnia.
Monday, June 14, 1897
WADDELL-LISTER - Sarnia Observer - One of those events which always awaken the keenest
interest in the feminine mind, and to which anticipation lends a added charm, was brought to a most
happy termination Wednesday afternoon, in St. George’s Episcopal church, when one of Sarnia’s
fairest and most popular young ladies, in the person of Miss Maude E. Lister, second daughter of
James F. Lister, M.P., was lead to the altar by Frank R. Waddell, of Hamilton. Although the
ceremony had been set for the hour of 4 o’clock, long before that time, the spacious church began to
fill, and the seats reserved for invited guests which were marked off with bands and bows of white
satin ribbon, were soon occupied, while the body of the church contained a throng of friends and
interested ones that extended to the doors. All the while the organ breathed forth a softened
harmony of appropriate music. Tasteful floral decorations, consisting of palms, acacias, begonias,
snow-balls, and English hawthorne abounded, and the costumes worn by many of the ladies were
handsome to the extreme. Lovely gowns of every shade, as well as dainty hats and bonnets,
combined with the many expectant faces to furnish a scene that made the affair a memorable one in
the list of Sarnia’s fashionable weddings. Promptly at the appointed hour rang out the stirring
strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, and the bridal party came slowly up the aisle. The bride,
leaning on her father’s arm made a very charming picture indeed, in her lovely gown of silver
brocaded satin, train and basque of duchesse satin, bodice trimmed with embroidered chiffon, with
wreath and veil. In her hand she carried a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses. Proceeding her were the
maids of honour, being her two younger sisters, Misses Bessie and Francis Lister, looking very
pretty in their dresses of white organdy, and white chiffon hats, trimmed with marguerites,
immediately after came the comely bridesmaid, Miss Reacie Mackenzie, who wore a handsome
custome of green silk, veiled with figured mousseline desoie, and large picture hat. She carried a
shower bouquet of pink roses. The party were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, E.
Herbert Ambrose, of Hamilton, and the impressive ceremony which made the happy couple one,
was performed by the officiating clergyman, Rev. T.R. Davis, after which the bridal party left the
church to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The gentlemen who ably fulfilled the duties
of ushers for the occasion were Alex Burnham, and Messrs. Robert, Malcolm, and Gordon
Mackenzie. At the conclusion of the service at the church, an adjournment was made to the
residence of the bride’s father, Christina street, where an enjoyable reception was held in the
tastefully decorated drawing room, Vint’s orchestra discoursing sweet music. After the many
friends had extended heartiest congratulations to the newly wedded couple, all sat down to a fine
collation. Shortly after farewells were said, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell left by the Detroit train for an
extended honeymoon trip comprising Buffalo, Albany, and down the Hudson to New York. The
bride’s travelling dress was a blue covert cloth, with a chic turban to match, trimmed with lilies of
the valley, and pink roses. The present were legion, including chaste and handsome articles, and
rare bric-a-brac of every description. Many gifts came from Hamilton, and other places at a
distance, all indicating the popularity and esteem in which the bride was held by those who knew
her. The immediate relatives of the groom’s family present at the nuptials were his mother and
brother, N. Waddell. The former wore a handsome black silk dress, with chiffon trimmings, and
carried a pretty bouquet of white roses. Mrs. James F. Lister, mother of the bride, was dressed in
Heliotrope moire en train, lace and pearls. Frank Waddell, the fortunate benedict, is a member of
the legal firm of Waddell & Waddell, in the ambitious city, and also holds the rank of first
lieutenant in the crack Thirteenth battalion there. At the conclusion of their honeymoon, Mr. and
Mrs. Waddell, will take up their residence on Hughson street Hamilton. Many out-of-town people
were present at the wedding, and the list of invited guests was an exceedingly large one. Several
congratulatory telegrams to the fair bride were received after the ceremony. “The wishes of many
friends accompanied for their future happiness”.
Tuesday, June 15, 1897
AYLETT-ROBERTSON - On Tuesday June 15th, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 208 Queen
Street South, by the Rev. John Kay, Wm. J. Aylett, Detroit, Mich., to Emma, daughter of Wm.
Robertson, of this city.
Favoured with all that tends to make an ideal wedding day, William J. Aylett, of Detroit, and
Miss Emma Robertson, daughter of William Robertson, commercial traveller of this city, were this
afternoon united in marriage. The wedding took place at 3 o’clock, at the residence of the bride’s
parents, 208 Queen street south, and was witnessed only by the relatives and a few intimate friends
of the contracting parties. Everything in connection with the wedding had been very prettily
arranged, and the ceremony will be pleasantly remembered by all who were present. Rev. John Kay
was the officiating clergyman; Ida M. Robertson, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Burwell
Griffin assisted the groom. Little Ethel Allan daintily acted as maid of honour for the bride. Both
the bride and groom have a large number of friends in the city, and the large number of presents
received gave evidence of their popularity. The bride has filled the position of leading alto of
Hannah street church choir, and the choir and musical committee, members of the quarterly board,
and the Sunday school vied with each other in showing their esteem and appreciated of her past
services. The groom was formerly in the employ of the Sanford Manufacturing company, of this
city, but is now with Hevenrich Bros., of Detroit. The young couple will leave on the 6:22 train this
evening for Detroit, and will take up their residence on Fort street, in that city.
Wednesday, June 16, 1897
von MATUSCHKA-WALKER (Detroit) - June 15 - At 5:30 o’clock this afternoon, Bishop John S.
Foley, of the Roman Catholic see of East Michigan, united in marriage Count Manfred von
Matuschka, Baron de Topplezen and Sparten and Miss Ella Walker, at the residence of the bride’s
father, Franklin H. Walker. Miss Walker is a granddaughter of Hiram Walker, the founder of the
great distillery at Walkerville, Ont. The wealth of the Walker family is estimated at from fifteen to
twenty millions.
Thursday, June 17, 1897
DAVIDSON-LOVELL (Guelph Herald) - A ceremony, which was witnessed with much pleasure
and interest, took place at the residence, of John Davidson, Cambridge st., at 11 o’clock on Tuesday
morning. It was the union in marriage of Mr. Davidson’s third daughter, Jeane, to Ernest Lovell, of
Hamilton. The ceremony was performed in the beautifully decorated parlour of Rev. R.J.M.
Glassford. The bride was neatly attired in a dress of cream silk, with peal trimming and carried a
handsome bouquet of white roses. Miss Lovell, the groom’s sister, was bridesmaid, and wore a
dress of yellow silk. She carried a bunch of pink roses. The maid of honour was Miss Evelyn
Davidson, the little sister of the bride, who was prettily attired in pale blue and carried a bouquet of
white carnations. Mr. Wood of Fergus performed the pleasant duty of groomsman. The bridal party
and friends partook of a wedding feast, and the newly-wedded couple left for Rochester, Detroit,
and other points in that vicinity. They have the congratulations and best wishes of their many
LEES-WILKINSON (Toronto) June 17 - Stephen Lees, of Hamilton, was yesterday united in
marriage to Edith, third daughter of W.L. Wilkinson, of Grange avenue, Toronto. The groom was
supported by his brother George Lees, and the bridesmaid was Miss Gertie Wilkinson, sister of the
bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.F. Wilson. The newly-married couple left on the
evening train for Detroit and Cleveland. They were the recipients of many beautiful presents,
including a complete dining room suite from Duncan & Co., wholesale stationers, of Hamilton, Mr.
Lees being a representative of that firm. They will reside in Hamilton.
McDOUGALL-McDOUGALL - Thomas McDougall, of the Herald, was married last night to Miss
McDougall. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Neil McPherson.
Friday, June 18, 1897
LEES-WILKINSON - On June 16th, at 24 Grange Ave. Toronto, by the Rev. W. F. Wilson, Stephen
B. Lees, of this city, to Edith M. daughter of W.L. Willkinson, Toronto.
Wednesday, June 23, 1897
DELEBEAUGH-CONN - At the residence of the bride’s sister, 26 Albert Road, June 22, by the
Rev. Mr. Massey, Miss Edith Conn, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Conn, of Clifford, to
George Delebeaugh, of Hamilton. Clifford papers please copy.
FORSTER-MOORE (Palmerston) June 22 - An event of memorable interest to two families and
many outside friends was enacted here today, when the nuptials of Miss Annie Laurie, youngest
daughter of Dr. M. Forster, one of Palmerston’s best-beloved maidens, and Rev. T. Albert Moore,
pastor of the Methodist church, chairman of the district, and assistant secretary of the Hamilton
conference were consummated. Rev. J.S. Williamson, D.D., of Mount Forest, was the officiating
clergyman, and was assisted by Rev. George Hartley, Palmerston.
Thursday, June 24, 1897
LEE-SCACE - At 11:30 this morning there was a bright wedding service at the church of the
Ascension, Rev. W.H. Wade officiating. The contracting parties were, Miss Norma N. Lee,
youngest daughter of Mrs. M. Lee, 17 East Avenue North, and Fred G. Scace, of the Dominion
customs department, Toronto. Only the immediate friends and relatives were present. The
bridesmaid was Miss Belle Lee, of St. Thomas, sister of the bride, and the best man Will Scace, of
Brantford, the groom’s brother. The bride was charmingly attired in a wedding gown of pure white,
and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaids costume was a pink and green
organdy and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Lyman Lee of the firm of Biggar & Lee, and
brother of the bride, gave his sister to her future husband at the altar.
After the ceremony, a wedding repast was served at the residence of the bride’s mother, and the
young couple left on the early afternoon train on their wedding trip. They will reside in Toronto.
MUNRO-ANDERSON - On Wednesday June 23, 1897, at the residence of the bride’s mother 294
Napier St., by the Rev. Neil McPherson, John Calder Munro, to Agnes Anderson, all of Hamilton.
BAKER-CHAPMAN - At Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton, by the Rev. Canon Bland, on
Wednesday, June 23, 1897, Walter Peck Chapman, Barrie, to Marion Mabel, youngest daughter of
Hugh C. Baker, Hamilton, Ont.
The affair of two young hearts which appealed most to the society element of the city was the
wedding of Miss Marion Mabel Baker, daughter of Hugh C. Baker, of the Bell Telephone co., to
Walter P. Chapman of Barrie. The ceremony took place in Christ church cathedral at 8:00 o’clock
in the evening, and was witnessed by a large number of friends of the young people. Rev. Canon
Bland was the officiating clergyman. The bride was assisted by Miss Bella Macdonald, Miss Carrie
Crerar, Miss Marion Counsall, and Miss Katie Kennedy. H. Beard acted as best man. The bride’s
costume was a handsome gown of white duchess satin, trimmed with embroidered chiffon, and
pearl passemeaterie. She wore a beautiful wedding wreath and veil, and carried a large bouquet of
roses, and maiden-hair fern. The costumes of the bridesmaids were of white dotted swiss muslin,
over pink and green taffeta silk. Their bonnets were the 1837 poke pattern, of drawn muslin, with
wreaths of pink roses under the brim. Each carried a basket of roses, and wore small gold jubilee
pins, the gift of the groom. To the bride the groom’s gift was a handsome gold watch. Mrs. Baker,
mother of the bride, wore a black grenadine overshot silk, with a bonnet of pink and mauve roses.
The bride’s travelling costume was tailor-made fawn Venetian cloth, coat and skirt, lined with pale
green taffeta. The hat was of green straw, with a wreath of shaded pink roses.
The ushers at the church were, H.C. Baker jr., George Bellhouse, C. Chapman, T. Crerar, and
Dr. Ross, of Barrie. After the ceremony, a reception was held, at the residence of the bride’s
parents, 13 Herkimer street, and the young couple left on the evening train on their wedding trip.
They will reside in Barrie when they settle down.
JACKSON-SMALLWOOD - There was a June wedding at the A.M.E. church, John street north,
last evening, that caused a very large flutter to permeate coloured society, and it flocked in large
numbers to the sacred edifice. The twain who were to be made one were Walter F. Smallwood, a
Royal hotel employee, and Mabel Jackson, daughter of John Jackson, Emerald street north. The
marriage was a most fashionable one and the church was thronged with the friends of the bride and
groom. The bridesmaids were Miss Jeanie Bryant, and Violet Lucas, and little Frances Lucas was
made of honour. W.H. Howard supported the groom. Rev. Joshua W. Crosby, pastor of the church
performed the ceremony. The ushers were Vincent Bryant, William Hull, and William Bryant.
A reception was afterwards held at the residence of William Bryant, Victoria avenue north,
which was attended by a large gathering. The happy couple left on the C.P.R. for a trip east.
FRASER-SCOTT - At South View, on June 23, by the Rev. James Mooney, assisted by Rev. Dr.
Smith, Alexander J.J. Fraser, of this city, to Bertha Scott, niece of W.S. Burkholder, of East
At the charming country residence of the bride’s uncle, W S. Burkholder, near Bartonville, Miss
Bertha Scott was married yesterday afternoon to Alexander J.J. Fraser, the well known and popular
city traveller of the firm Balfour & Co. The ceremony took place at 6 o’clock and was witnessed by
the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Rev. R. Mooney, of Bartonville,
assisted by Rev. Dr. Smith of Centenary church, performed the ceremony, and at its conclusion a
wedding supper was served. R.P.L. Fraser, brother of the groom, was best man, and Miss Clara
Smith of Winona was bridesmaid. Miss Douglas Anderson acted as maid of honour.
The bride was attired in a costume of brocaded duchesse satin, trimmed with chiffon and pearls.
The bridesmaids costume was of cream bengaline, with pink chiffon trimmings. The groom’s gift to
the bride was a crescent and horseshoe brooch of pearls, and to the bridesmaid a jubilee stick pin,
crown and pearls. The maid of honour received a pearl ring. The gift of the best man to the bride
was a diamond tiara. The young couple took the early evening train from Montreal and other
eastern points.
BRIGHAM-WISE - Al Wise, a popular member of the rambler’s Cycle club, and one of the fast
ones, went into the tandem business yesterday afternoon, when he was united in marriage to Miss
Adeline Brigham, of North Glanford. The wedding took place at 3 o’clock at the residence of the
bride’s parents. The members of the ramblers club presented their club mate with a handsome silver
pudding dish.
MORRIS-SMITH - On Tuesday Rev. George F. Morris, an old Hamilton boy, formerly teacher in
the Blind institute at Brantford, celebrated jubilee day by taking unto himself a bride. He was
married to Miss May Belle Smith, of Welland. Mr. Morris, who was recently ordained, has been
stationed at Onondaga.
Tuesday, June 29, 1897
ST. JOHN-ST. JOHN - A very enjoyable affair took place at the residence of Russell St. John, near
the G.T.R. station, Stony Creek, it being the marriage of his eldest daughter, May M., to W.L. St.
John, of Stony Creek. The bride was neatly attired in mauve satin, and was assisted by her sister.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. C.E. Belt. After a sumptuous repast had been partaken of, the
happy couple left on a short honeymoon trip to the east.
Wednesday, June 30, 1897
YOUNG-CROWTHER - On June 30th, at St. Mary’s Presbytery, by the Rev. Father Mahoney,
William H. Young, to Helen A. Crowther, both of this city. No cards.
At St. Mary’s presbytery this morning, Helen A. Crowther, fourth daughter of the late Prof.
Crowther, and William H. Young, of the Bell Telephone co., formerly of Hamilton, but now
resident in Ann Arbour Mich., were united in marriage by Rev. Father Mahoney. After the
ceremony the happy couple and guests partook of the wedding breakfast at the residence of the
bride’s mother, Mrs. Crowther, 100 Jackson St. West. Mr. and Mrs. Young left on the morning train
for Ann Arbour.