Hamilton Spectator

                                                                 Marriages 1863


January 7, 1863


BRUCE‑ROBB - In this city, on the 6th instant, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., assisted by the Rev. James Middlemiss, of Elora, Alexander Bruce, Esq., A.M., barrister‑at‑law, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Rev. E. Robb.


January 9, 1863


WEBSTER‑BUTLER - By the Rev. Mr. Geddes, rector, on January the 6th, Robert F. Webster, of Buffalo, to Leonora Butler, of Hamilton.


January 17, 1863


BATES‑MCDAVID - At St. Peter's Church, Barton, on the 14th instant,  by the Rev. Geo A. Bull, M.A., David Bates, fourth son of James Bates, Esq., Glanford, to Miss Mary McDavid, late teacher of No. 3 Union School Section, Barton.


January 26, 1863


ADAM‑ERSKINE - At Toronto, on the 23rd instant, by the Rev. Dr. Jennings, at the house of the bride's father, Mr. James Adam, plumber, Hamilton, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Alexander Erskine, Esq., of Toronto, lately of Galashiels, Scotland.  (Inverness “Courier” please copy)


January 30, 1863


DOHERTY‑PATTISON - On the 29th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, on Cannon street, Mr. George Doherty, to Hester, eldest daughter of Mr. Zacheus Pattison.


February 4, 1863


BURNS‑PORTEOUS - In this city, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. Irvine, Mr. Robert Burns, to Miss Mary Porteous, both of this city.


February 14, 1863


MACKELCAN‑GREEN - On Wednesday, the 11th instant, at St. Luke's Church, Wellington Square, by the father of the bride, George Lloyd MacKelcan, Esq., M.D., of Stoney Creek, to Caroline Jemima Stuart, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas Green, L.L.D. rector of Wellington Square.

February 21, 1863


MCKENNA‑CAMERON - In this city, on Wednesday, the 18th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Irvine, Mr. John McKenna, to Miss Annie Cameron, all of this city.


February 23, 1863


GREGORY‑O'REILLY - On Saturday, the 21st instant, at Christ's Church,  by the Rev.  J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector, Emma, eldest daughter of Miles O'Reilly, Esq., Q.C., to S. Edward Gregory, Esq., of the city of Montreal.


March 11, 1863


LAWRY‑FILMAN - At the residence of the bride's father, Barton, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. G. A. Bull, M.A., Thomas, eldest son of H.  J. Lawry, Esq., to Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of Peter Filman, Esq.


March 25, 1863


MASTERSON‑MCLEAN - At 27 India Street, Glasgow, Scotland, on the 3rd instant, by the Rev. Alexander McEwen, Robert Knox Masterson, Esq., Hamilton, C. W., to Hannah, daughter of John McLean, Esq.


March 31, 1863


MACADAM‑O'REILLY - At Hamilton, on Saturday, the 28th of March, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, M.A., rector, P. H. MacAdam, Esq., C .E., of Limerick, Ireland, to Helen Eliha, second daughter of Miles O'Reilly, Esq., Q.C.


April 2, 1863


SMITH‑WEBSTER - At Barton, on the 28th of March, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Herald, Catherine Ann, only daughter of George Webster, to George B. Smith, of Hamilton.


April 3, 1863


WAUGH‑BLACKBURN - At the residence of the bride's father, Park street, by the Rev. Dr. Ormiston, Thomas J. Waugh, to Annie M., fourth daughter of Mr. John Blackburn, all of this city.

April 25, 1863


DUNCAN‑KERR - In this city, on the 23rd instant, by the Rev. W. Ormiston, D.D., Mr. Thomas Duncan, to Miss Sarah Jane Kerr, eldest daughter of the late William (T. Kerr, Esq., all of Hamilton.


May 2, 1863


MCINNES‑ROBINSON - On Thursday, the 30th April, at the Cathedral, Toronto, by the Lord Bishop, assisted by the Rev. H. J. Grasset, B.D.,  Donald McInnes, Esq., of Hamilton, to Mary Amelia, youngest daughter of the late Sir John Beverly Robinson, Baronet, C.B.


May 8, 1863


WILKINSON‑GEDDES - On the 7th instant, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, M.A., rector of Hamilton, assisted by the Rev. J. C. D. McKenzie, M.A., William Henry Wilkinson, Esq., barrister, of Napanee, to Isabella Allan, eldest daughter of William Allan Geddes, Esq., of this city.


June 3, 1863


ROGERSON‑WEBSTER - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2nd instant, by the Rev. F. L. Gaber, Mr. W. H. Rogerson, to Jane, daughter of Joseph Webster, Esq., Osbourne Mills.


June 6, 1863


WATSON‑HOLGATE - On the 4th instant, at Grace Church, Milton, by the Rev. F. Tremaine, Henry Watson, Esq. , to Jane Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Holgate, Esq., all of Milton.


MCKAY‑DENMARK - At Campbellford, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. F. J. G. Groves, incumbent of Seymour, Mr. W. McKay, of Hamilton, to Fanny, only daughter of the late Dr. Denmark, R.N.


June 8, 1863


WILLIAMSON‑MOORE - On the 5th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Robt. Burnet, James Williamson, Esq., of Apence Lawn, Barton, to Maria D'Everett, only daughter of John F. Moore, Esq., of this city.

June 30, 1863


EVERETT‑BROPHY - On the 29th instant, in this city, by the Rev. A. Crawford Walshe, military chaplain, Colour Sergeant E. Everett, R.C.O. Rifle Brigade, to Miss A. Brophy, late of the city of Dublin.


July 5, 1863


WHITTAKER‑PHEENY - On the 22nd June, at St. Thomas Church, in this city, by the Rev. C. H. Drinkwater, B.A., rector, Mr. William Whittaker,  carriage painter, Oakville, to Miss Catherine Pheeny, of the same place.


HATTER‑DOHERTY - On the 22nd June, at St. Thomas Church, by the Rev. C. H. Drinkwater, B.A., Mr. James Henry Hatter, to Miss Mary Doherty, both of this city.


July 9, 1863


HIGGINS‑BAXTER - At St. Mark's Church, Niagara, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. William McMurray, D.D., D.C.L., William Higgins, Esq., P.C.O. Rifle Brigade, to Isabella Catherine, third daughter of Captain Baxter, late Royal Canadian Rifles. No cards.


July 11, 1863


BEARD‑WYATT - On the 9th instant, at the Church of St. Matthew, Flamborough East, by the Rev. J. G. D. McKenzie, M.D., assisted by the Rev. Thomas Greene, D.D., Charles J. Beard, Esq., eldest son of Charles Beard, Esq., of Woodstock, C.W., to Maria Eliza,  daughter of Henry Wyatt, Esq., of Herberton Cottage, Flamborough East.


DUFF‑KIRKWOOD - In this city, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. Lockhart George Buff, of Syracuse, N.Y., grandson of the late Lockhart Duff, Esq., to Jane, daughter of Robert Kirkwood, Esq. also of this city.


July 17, 1863


SMITH‑YOUNG - In this city, on the 16th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Thomas Pullar, William W. Smith, Esq., proprietor of the “Owen Sound Times”, to Catherine R., eldest daughter of Charles Young, Esq., of Hamilton.


July 20, 1863


KINGSCOTE‑STUART - On the 17th instant, at Christ's Church, Lake Simcoe, by the Rev. W.

Stennett, M.A., Captain Fitzhardinge Kingscote, P.C.O. Rifle Brigade, to Agnes Grant, youngest daughter of John Stuart, Esq. No cards.


July 30, 1863


BETHUNE‑DOW - In this city,, on the 29th instant, by the Rev. R. Irvine, D.D., Edward Bethune, to Jane Patterson, daughter of Mr. William Dow,  both of this city.


August 17, 1863


CHETTLEBURGH‑MORROW - At St. Andrew's (old) Church, in this city, on the 15th instant, by the Rev.   A. C. Walshe, military chaplain, Mr. William Chettleburgh, of the Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, to Miss Elizabeth Morrow, of Westgate, Newcastle‑on‑Tyne.


August 25, 1863


NEWLAND‑MAY - At St Andrews (old) Church, in this city, on the 24th instant, by the Rev. A. Crawford Walshe, military chaplain, George William Newland, of the Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, to Miss Agnes May, of Middlesex, England.


September 3, 1863


FREEMAN‑BRITT - In this city, on Tuesday, September 1st, by the Rev. P. Barton, CP., Mr. Francis Freeman, of this city, to Miss Eliza Britt, of London.


THOMSON‑VANEVERY - On the 1st instant, at the residence of her brother‑in‑law, Trafalgar,  by the Rev. Mr. Haynes, Robert Thomson, Esq., merchant, of Cumminsville, to Miss Annie Lawrence VanEvery, of Trafalgar.


September 8, 1863


FITZPATRICK‑POWER - On the 7th instant, at St. Mary's Church, Hamilton,  by the Very Rev. E. Gordon, V.G., Martin, son of the late Mr. Kenney Fitzpatrick, to Kate E., only daughter of Mr. N. Power, all of this city.


September 16, 1863


KEW‑WELCH - By the Rev. J. Cheetham, on the 14th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. William J. Kew, of Toronto, to Miss Ann Welch, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Welch, of Hamilton.

September 21, 1863


BALLOW‑CAGSWELL - By the Rev. J. Cheetham, on the 18th instant, at the Primitive Methodist Parsonage, Mr. Joseph M. Ballow, to Miss Elizabeth Cagswell, both of Hamilton.


September 28, 1863


RAE‑NUGENT - On September 2nd, at Killnean Church, by the Rev. Francis Marsh, incumbent of Stone Hall, Muityfarnham, Allen Rae, Esq., of Hull, Yorkshire, England, to Priscilla, second daughter of F. H. Nugent, Esq., Woodford, County Westmeath.


September 20, 1863


DUNLOP‑MCCALLUM - At Montreal, on the 15th September, by the Rev. John Markle,  of La Chute, C.E., Robert Dunlop, Esq., of Hamilton, C.W., to Janet McIntosh,  second daughter of Archibald McCallum, Esq., writer, Greenock, Scotland.


October 2, 1863


WAUGH‑BLACKBURN - On the 1st instant, at the residence of the bride's sister, Caroline street, by the Rev. W. Ormiston, D.D., George J. Waugh, druggist, Stratford, C.W., to Jennie L., sixth daughter of Mr. John Blackburn, of this city.


October 3, 1863


BENSON‑LAW - At Christ's Church, Hamilton, on Thursday, 1st instant, by the Rev. J. G. Geddes, assisted by the Rev. E. Sanders, Charles I. Benson, Esq., of St. Catharines, to Margaret,  daughter of the late John Law, Esq., of Hamilton, C.W.


October 8, 1863


SAYERS‑HILLS - At the residence of the bride's father, Dundas, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. A. Crawford Walshe, F. W. Sayers, Esq., to Annie Jane, eldest daughter of Capt. Hills.


HUMPHREY‑USHER - At Niagara Falls, N.Y., on the 29th Sept., by the Rev. O.F.. Starkey, Mr. Nelson Humphrey,  to Miss Mary Usher, both of Hamilton.

October 16, 1863


HARPER‑CLELAND - In the village of Strathroy, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. L. O. Rose, Wesleyan Minister, Robert Harper, Esq., of Hamilton, to Miss Ellen Cleland, of the Township of Adelaide, C.W.


October 19, 1863


ALMAS‑CULP - In Barton, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. G. A. Bull, Samuel Almas, lieutenant 5th Battalion Wentworth, fourth son of the late John Almas, Esq., Ancestor, to Mary Eliza Culp, daughter of the late Isaac Culp, Niagara Falls.


SMITH‑MYLES - At the Manse, Waterdown, on Thursday, 15th instant, by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. William John Smith, blacksmith, Nelson Township, County Halton, to Miss Jane, daughter of Mr. Frederick Myles, Beverly, County of Wentworth.


October 24, 1863


MACKAY‑KELSO - In this city, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. Robert Burnet, Mr. George W. Mackay, to Agnes Logan, daughter of Mr. Kelso, MacNab street.


October 28, 1863


WALSHE‑ ? - On the 18th June, at the residence of Col. C. M. Emerson, Manderville, LA., U.S.A., by the Rev. John C. Grahan, Captain B. T. Walshe, of Camp, street, New Orleans, and of the 6th Louisiana Reg., Confederate/United States, eldest son of Rev. A. Crawford Walshe (The entry is not complete.)


November 14, 1863


WAYTE‑RUTHERFORD - At Dundas, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. F. L. Osier, M.A., rural dean and rector, assisted by the Rev. C. Walshe, military chaplain, also by the Rev. W. McMurray, Edward Wayte, Esq., Captain, Royal Canadian Rifles, to Jessie, youngest daughter of H. C. Rutherford, M.D., formerly of Redford Green, Selkirkshire, Scotland.


November 17, 1863


MARBLE‑CAHILL - In Dundas,  on the evening of the 15th instant, by the Rev. Richard Whiting, Edwin F. Marble, of Augusta, Georgia, to Susan T. Cahill, of Hamilton.

November 27, 1863


BRENNAN‑CARRUTHERS - On the 25th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Carruthers,  by the Rev. J. Elliott, Mr. William Brennan,  to Miss Lucy Carruthers, both of Hamilton.


November 28, 1863


GRANT‑LUNDY - On Thursday, the 26th instant, at St. Andrew's Church, Grimsby,  by the Rev. W.S. Darling, of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto, the Rev. George W. G. Grant, B.A.,  incumbent, of Sydenham, County of Frontenac, to Charlotte Eliza,  second daughter of the Rev. F. I. Lundy, D.C.L., rector of Grimsby, and grand‑daughter of the late Honourable Jonathan Sewell, D.C.T.., Chief Justice of Lower Canada.


December 8, 1863


BOND‑SHEPPARD - At St. Andrew's  (old) Church, on the 7th December,  by the Rev. A. Crawford Walshe, assisted by the Rev. C. H. Drinkwater, B.A., Mr. John Bond, of the Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, to Miss Mary Sheppard, of Queenston, Canada West.


December 10, 1863


KERR‑ARNOLD - At Trinity Church, Buffalo, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. Edward Ingersoll, R.D., rector, William Hastings Kerr, of Montreal, Esq., advocate, to Jane May, fourth daughter of the late Rev. William Arnold, Gaspe Basin, C.E.


December 11, 1863


MUIR‑HENDRIE - At Market street, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Ormiston, W. K. Muir, Esq., of Detroit, to Christina Gammel, eldest daughter of John Hendrie, Esq.


BRENNAN‑SPRINGER - By the Rev. T. Goldsmith,  on the 3rd instant, the Rev.  James Brennan, to Miss Sarah Springer, all of Hamilton.


December 24, 1863


PICKETT‑HARRISON - On the 23rd instant, at the P.M. Parsonage, Hamilton, by the Rev. J. Cheetham, Mr. Abner Pickett, to Miss Hannah E. Harrison, both of Seneca, Haldimand, C.W.

December 29, 1863


SHAW‑ROBINS - On Thursday, the 24th instant, at St. Andrew's Manse, Waterdown,  by the Rev. John Skinner, D.D., Mr. Robert Shaw, of Flamborough East, to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Nathan Robins, Nelson Township, County of Ha1ton.


December 31, 1863


HATCH‑THOMAS - On Wednesday, December 30th, at the Church of the Ascension,  by the Rev.  J. Hebden, A.M., assisted by the Rev.  C.F.L. Haensell, the Rev. Edwin Hatch, B.A., professor of Moral Philosophy in Morrin College and rector of the High School of Quebec, to Bessie, third surviving daughter of E. Cartwright Thomas, Esq., Sheriff of the County of Wentworth, C.W.