Glanbrook Heritage Society
March 2025 Society Updates!
Since March, 2010, the Society has been photographing cemetery headstones in local cemeteries and submitting them, along with the stones' inscriptions to the web site, canadianheadstones.ca Now, March, 2025, the website is unavailable for close to three months, cause unknown. Emails sent over the same time period to info@canadianheadstones.com have gone unanswered. The best we can do is relay the results of a phone call to the Ontario Genealogical Society who may a third cousin twice removed to the headstones faction. The website is believed to be taken down for updating (since early January). Nothing more is known at this time.
The good news is that the Society's headstone collection of 25,000+ photos still is maintained in our archives. We've covered most of Wentworth County, parts of Haldimand, Brant and a few in Perth, Middlesex and Simcoe Counties. For any genealogists who may be interested, contact the Society with a name and, if known, dates. We'll see what we can do.
Fun and Games!
CF-100 aircraft on a pedestal out side the 447 Wing at Hamilton Airport in the 1990's. When did it arrive and where did it go and when?
Email glanbrookheritage@yahoo.ca with your Answer!
Save the Date!
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 6:30 - 8 (tentatively)
HWHA Volunteer Awards Ceremony at the Coach House at Dundurn
HWHA Memberships:
The fee remains at $20 per calendar year for an organization or individual. We are hoping to have the option of accepting payment by e-transfer within the next week; in the meantime we welcome cheques!
HWHA Volunteer Award Nominations:
Nominations are now being accepted. Each organization in good standing may nominate up to two individuals for recognition.
Who's Who 2025:
Please check the information about your organization in the Who's Who 2024 (on our website) and notify the HWHA of any changes that need to be made.
Rev. T. Melville Bailey Heritage Award:
Nominations are accepted at any time during the year and can be submitted electronically on the City's website. There are worthy recipients out there so get nominating them!
Villages of Glanbrook
Click on the links below to discover more about the communities that form the region
of Glanbrook:
About The Glanbrook Heritage Society
To simplify local historical interests, one group was needed to collect, maintain and preserve the creation and history of the former Townships of Binbrook and Glanford. These were amalgamated to form the Township of Glanbrook in the Regional Municipality of Hamilton Wentworth in 1974. The Glanbrook Heritage Society is the name change ratified by the Glanford Historical Society (established as a registered non-profit organization in 1984)for use with the merger of the Binbrook Historical Society (est.in 1975), the Maggie Johnson Heritage Foundation (est. 1985) and the Glanford Historical Society.
Since the disappearance of Binbrook, Glanford and most recently Glanbrook more and more information vanishes forever as papers and pictures are destroyed and the older generations pass away along with their knowlege. To minimize the loss of this information the former societies have undertaken the task of collecting the history of the townships to be presented in the public in book form. This has been done to a certain extent with the publication of four books by the two historical societies.
Charitable Registration # 0673681-50
Volunteer Web Design: Maria Mitchell-Pyne
© Glanbrook Heritage Society 2025
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