Glanbrook Heritage Society

GHS - March 2012 Newsletter
March 2012 Newsletter Issue #69
We’re not sure if this is an historic publication but it is the beginning of the seventeenth year of the newsletter of the Society. Where are the early issues?
Don’t ask! A quick check of the home computer filesshow issues back to 2003, so we might have to do some digging for others. One item of interest that we featured
in 2003 was the first Doors Open weekend in Hamilton. That leads into the notice that Doors Open is still going strong for its tenth year and will be held on
Saturday, May 5 and Sunday, May 6.
Another filler that we used was “old words - new meanings.” avoidable: what a bullfighter tries to do. Bernadette: the act of torching a mortgage.
heroes: what a guy in a boat does. paradox: two physicians. pharmacist: a helper on the farm. relief: what trees do in the spring.Okay, all groan now and get it over with!!
Recent local heritage events have honoured some Glanbrook Heritage Society members. On Saturday, February 11, Hamilton-Wentworth Heritage Association presented volunteer recognition certificates to Art French (Doors Open at the Shaver Homestead), Janis and Olivia Newport (Griffin House, Ancaster) for their time spent helping at these sites. At
the Feb. 22 Hamilton City council meeting, certificates were presented by the Ontario Heritage Trust to former Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee members Anne Charlton, Art French and Sylvia Wray for their ten years of service on the committee. It appears that heritage volunteering is alive and well and still appreciated.
If you missed the February GHS get-together in Binbrook, you lost the opportunity to handle (gently, with gloves!) a piece of Georgian silver from about 1734.
It was part of the show-and-tell evening and was shown by David Randle, owner of the family heirloom. Other items of interest featured royalty; stamps, postcards and scrapbooks of the members of British royal families over the centuries. Another interestingevening of memorabilia supplied by members.
The masthead sketches are examples of a few of the architectural styles of homes in Ontario, some of which exist in Glanbrook. There are dozens of styles with variations within each. The ones we featured above are Victorian, Craftsman and Gothic Revival. Then there are Colonial, Federal, Georgian, Queen Anne, Tudor and ....... boring box-modern.
We made up the last one but it describes the architecture of the modern subdivisions. To counter-act this trend, there is a marvellous website hosted by Mohawk College
instructor Shannon Kyles. It’s full of photos of examples of styles, details of features and a good explanation of all the wonders of Ontario (and other) architecture. Find it at: www.ontarioachitecture.com. This is a lead-in to an upcoming display of the work of architectural students at Mohawk, to be held as a competition at the Art Gallery of Hamilton this fall. Shannon is looking for assistance in providing some financial incentives for the exhibit and we’re throwing out the idea to GHS members for the Society to assist with this idea. More information will be available at the annual meeting in March.
Here’s a good news item - Erland Lee Museum is scheduled to re-open some time this year. There’s been a change (for the better!) in the leadership of the Federated Women’s Institute of Ontario. Members and the new executive are working to have this national historic site open this year. There’s fundraising events, items for sale and memberships open to anyone. To assist, Glanbrook Heritage Society members will be asked to ratify a motion to donate up to one hundred Tweedsmuir History of Binbrook books to the Lee.
There’s a number of changes happening in “downtown” Binbrook and one of the latest is the beginnings of a new grocery store on Hwy. # 56 on the site of the former Roberts Pork
& Beef Packers, later Star Brand Packers. Now, it is .....nothing! Reports (as we write) are that the buildings have been consigned to a flat space and we await to see what will arise. Below is a 1960 photo of Roberts and the auto enthusiasts can reminisce over the types of vehicles.
From The President:
As we approach another Annual General Meeting, I’ve been giving thought to challenges facing our Society. Some of this is prompted by periodic inquiries from the city about
our space in the Municipal Service Centre and Brad Clark’s recent rant about selling suburban centres. What would we do if we lost our archives and office? Other challenges facing most heritage societies include declining participation in monthly meetings and an aging membership. These challenges prompt questions about the mission of our
Society and whether we are meeting the needs of our members and the broader community. In anticipation of our AGM on March 19, I ask each of you to give thought to the future
of the Glanbrook Heritage Society. Is it meeting your needs as a member? What is its role in the community? In order to re-energize our Society and, given the discussion that I hope is stimulated by these questions, your Board can develop an action plan to recommend to the membership. Ron Sinclair, President.
A look through some of last year`s acquisitions resulted in the document shown below. It`s really self-explanatory but no longer available.
Upcoming Society Events
Monday, March 19 at 6:00 PM Annual potluck supper and business meeting at St.Paul’s Anglican Church, 2869 Upper James Street,Mount Hope.
Bring your favourite dish to share. Notethe early start time.
Monday, April 16 at 7:30 PM Regular monthly meeting at Orchard Court, 2800 Library Lane, Binbrook. Speaker is Doug Forsyth, retired history teacher, taking us on unknown parts of world history.
Monday, May 28 at 7:30 PM Regular monthly meeting at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 2869 Upper James Street, Mount Hope. A presentation of the Panabaker family art collection,
presented by his grand-daughter, Amy Hunter.
Monday, June 18 at 7:00 PM Annual strawberry social at the home of Bill and Laura Martin, 3146 Cemetery Road, Binbrook. Their home is the former S.S. #3 Binbrook schoolhouse. Bring a lawn chair, just in case.